2024 Audiobook Challenge – mid-year check-in

2024 Audiobook Challenge – Mid Year Check In Join Caffeinated Reviewer and That’s What I’m Talking About for the annual audiobook challenge.   Challenge Details Runs January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. You can join at any time. The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to […]

Posted July 5, 2024 by Julie S. in Challenges / 0 Comments

Chapter Break Bingo – July 2024

Welcome to the easiest challenge you’ll find all year! Read books. Mark off squares. That’s all it takes to participate in Bookish Bingo! Play along with us! It’s time again for the yearly Emoji Bingo Card! In honor of World Emoji Day (July 17), we are going full on images this month! It’s completely open to your […]

Posted July 3, 2024 by Lynn in Bookish Bingo, Featured Posts / 3 Comments

#JIAM Audiobook Mini Challenge Results Update #JIAMAudiobookChallenge

2024 #JIAM Audiobook Mini Challenge – Results Update We have previously stated our goals and intentions, and now we are using this post to track and reveal our results. Join Caffeinated Reviewer and That’s What I’m Talking About for the #JIAM (June Is Audiobook Month) audiobook mini-challenge. Challenges Complete at least one challenge to enter […]

Posted June 29, 2024 by Julie S. in Challenges / 0 Comments

Chat About Covers: The Grelnocks

  We’re chatting about covers on Chapter Break. ‘Cause you know we all judge books by covers, whether we admit it or not. We judge the style, the color and font choices, and just the overall look. That might not keep us from reading the book, but we do still judge. What a creepy cover. […]

Posted June 20, 2024 by Lynn in Chat About Covers / 1 Comment

Chat Between Chapters: Have your reading interests changed over time?

For this discussion post, we are joining the Tell Me Something Tuesday challenge run by Jen at That’s What I’m Talking About. Here’s the topic for this week. Have your reading interests changed over time?    Julie: Interestingly, yes. For a while I was all about mysteries. Young adult me devoured every Nancy Drew book […]


Chapter Break Bingo – June 2024

Welcome to the easiest challenge you’ll find all year! Read books. Mark off squares. That’s all it takes to participate in Bookish Bingo! Play along with us! Here are the rules: Each month we will upload a new bingo card. You download the bingo card and mark off squares as you read books each month. […]

Posted June 3, 2024 by Lynn in Bookish Bingo, Featured Posts / 2 Comments