Show Your Shelves Some Love, No Book Buying Challenge 2015. You got ‘em, now read ‘em!
Hosts: Terri from Second Run Reviews and all of us here at Chapter Break! Social Media: #ShelfLove The goal of this challenge is simple — for one year abstain from buying books (or set a monthly book budget) — and focus on clearing physical and virtual to-be-read book shelves. This challenge begins Jan 1, 2015 and ends Dec 31, 2015.
The Guidelines
- Abstain from spending money on books for one calendar year (or follow a monthly book budget).
- Gift cards OK, audible account OK, but no buying extra credits (Rose!!!)
- Encourage other challenge participants via comments, social media and emails.
- Participate in the monthly posts. (The link up post will go live on the first of each month and be open for 30 days.)
- Library books do not count for this challenge. This challenge is mainly for books you already own.
- Netgalley books can count for this because you have the book, so read it!
No Book Buying Challenge Step 1: Select your goal
Yellow Belt —-> 1-10 books: shake hands with your shelves
Blue Belt —->11-20 books: pat your shelves on the back
Green Belt —->21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug
Purple Belt —->31-40 books: regular date night with your shelves
Brown Belt —-> 41-50 books: my shelves are now my bff
Black Belt —->51+ books: my shelves and I are going steady
No Book Buying Challenge Step 2: Join the mailing list
No Book Buying Challenge Step 3: Share the love and spread the word
Create a blog post saying you’re participating in this challenge and link up your post below. Share on social media using the hashtag #ShelfLove.
Link up your participation post:
No Book Buying Challenge Step 4: Link to the challenge
You can use either of the images below.
No Book Buying Challenge Step 5: Plan your reading, and participate in the monthly challenge post topics:
- December 2014 — Initial “I’m Joining the Challenge” Post. Spread the Word about the Challenge.
- January — Post/share a picture or list of your TBR pile(s).
- February — Finances!!! Share your book buying budgets (if you have one, or plan to spend nothing!) Your Plans for the Money You Save.
- March –Share Your Sources for Free Books
- April — Avoiding Relapse- How are you sticking to your book buying budget and refraining from full-on bookaholic relapse?
- May — It’s almost the middle of the year, you haven’t bought a book yet and you are dying for the latest release. Give us your best sales pitch to convince the world you deserve that book.
- June — Mid-Year Check in Post. How are you doing with the challenge, updated picture or list of your TBR pile(s)
- July — Give us a review of the best book, that’s a part of this challenge, that you’ve read so far.
- August — What’s are some of the best bookish gifts that you’ve received and/or given!
- September — The perils of book hoarding.
- October — How to manage your library/ebook shelves
- November — Are you thankful you did this challenge? How have your habits changed and will you continue with any changes you’ve made in your book buying routine?
- December — End of the Year Check in Post. How are you doing with the challenge, updated picture or list of your TBR pile(s). Would you do the challenge again in 2016?
Of course there’s a giveaway! One participant will win a $20 Amazon gift card – so link up your monthly participation and update posts to enter. a Rafflecopter giveaway
Note: Some posts may contain affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase a product, we will receive a small commission for the sale at no additional cost to you. Chapter Break is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

[…] month, those of us participating in the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge are discussing how we organize our […]
[…] is it! The last month of the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge! Those of us participating are discussing how we […]
[…] month, those of us participating in the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge are discussing whether or not we’re thankful for taking on the challenge and whether or not […]
[…] month, those of us participating in the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge are discussing how we organize our […]
[…] month, those of us participating in the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge are discussing the pros and cons of owning a significant number of books. For myself, I’ve […]
[…] month, the hosts of the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge want us to share the best bookish gifts we’ve given or received. While I was thinking about […]
[…] participating in the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. “It’s almost the middle of the year, you haven’t bought a book yet and you are dying […]
[…] May, those of us participating in the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge are supposed to give our best “sales pitch” for why we should be allowed to buy a […]
[…] this year I committed to doing the Show Your Shelves Some Love-A No Book Buying Challenge, which is supposed to help me cut down on the buying (since my kindle doesn’t really need […]
[…] you know, I am participating in the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can see all my updates here. For the April update we are going to talk about avoiding relapse. […]
[…] topic of this month’s Buying Ban Challenge discussion post is all about how we’re going with our bans and how we’re managing to […]
[…] you know, I am participating in the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. In an effort to help you guys save your money and stick to your budget we are sharing our favorite […]
[…] If you have no idea what the #ShelfLove challenge then go here. […]
[…] am participating in the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. This month I am talking about my book budget and the number of books I have read thus […]
[…] Sooo…. now that you’ve read about my #ShelfLove challenge, how are you doing with your plan? Did you have a complete ban or are you on a budget? And if you have no idea what the heck this post is, then check out the #ShelfLove challenge here! […]
[…] to haunt me for quite awhile. And definitely be on my mind while I’m working through this #ShelfLove 2015 Challenge and any others I join. Hopefully it will keep me motivated to take my TBR pile one book at a time […]
[…] when I saw the Show Your Shelves Some Love Challenge for 2015 hosted by Chapter Break and Second Run Reviews I asked if I could still join in, even though […]
[…] I’m on a book buying ban as part of the 2015 #ShelfLove Challenge so I don’t have many new books to my shelves. My sister bought The Boy Next Door on Kindle […]
Is it too late to join the challenge? I just found it and I really, really need to join as many TBR crushing challenges I can so I can make a dent in these piles! (I have way too many books on my shelves, my kindle and my nook. :\ )
Of course not ! 🙂 You can join in at any time:)
[…] alongside the TBR challenge, I will be participating in the Show Your Shelves some Love Challenge , where the aim is to not buy books for a year and to read from your own shelves. You are allowed a […]
[…] probably also in dire need of No Book Buying Challenge but I suspect foregoing both buying new books and borrowing library books is beyond my […]
[…] #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge details […]
[…] never very good at these, but let’s see what I can do… I’m joining in this challenge from Chapter Break. I don’t think I’d make it the whole year without buying books (in […]
Can I count all the books on my kindle?
Rebecca Dunham recently posted…I’m joining: Show Your Shelves Some Love, No Book Buying Challenge 2015. You got ‘em, now read ‘em!
Yes, virtual shelves count too 🙂
My TBR pile consists of several piles and boxes AND my bookshelves. I really need to do this!
Rebecca Dunham recently posted…I’m joining: Show Your Shelves Some Love, No Book Buying Challenge 2015. You got ‘em, now read ‘em!
I have a lot of kindle books TBR. Do they countÉ
yes, Kindle books count 🙂 Virtual shelves still need love.
[…] you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love a No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on the “No Book Buying Challenge” page from […]
My only exception is to buy a book I might need for a class I’m taking. This could only happen in mid-June or late-September. Maybe I’ll only take classes for which I already have the book. LOL (Note: these are continuing ed great books discussion classes — not anything for grades or credit).
Donna recently posted…The Hardest Challenge I’ve Ever Undertaken
Well, books for class definitely don’t count since you have to have those 🙂 This is more meant for a pleasure reading list.
[…] challenge is here. Many thanks to those at Chapter Break for running it. My goal is to impose a book buying […]
[…] No Book Buying Challenge is hosted by ChapterBreak & Second Run […]
[…] Chapter Break […]
[…] and it’s time to start reading them. Making my budget stricter will work really well with the Show Your Shelves Some Love: No Book Buying Challenge that I’m doing. Here’s my 2015 […]
Hello, I have two (silly) questions:
– Can I join the challenge deciding to buy a maximum of 2 books a month? Or 1 book every 4 books read?
– I haven’t understood the goals: are they the number of books read from my TBR during 2015 or the number of books bought?
Thank you very much, I seriously need to calm down on buying books:)
Hi Yuko, yes you can set up your own monthly budget, or a way to earn books by reading x amount of already purchased books, or exercise, or anything that motivates you. The books that count for this challenge are ones you have already purchased. So if the book is already sitting on your bookshelf or on your kindle, it counts. Hope that helps 🙂
What a great idea for a challenge! I SHOULD join, but I’m not sure if I have the discipline for it…I’ll have to think about it for sure though — maybe committing to a monthly budget might be do-able 🙂
Christine @Buckling Bookshelves recently posted…Banned Books Challenge 2015: Review Link-Up
Yea a monthly budget and accountability is a great option 🙂 We’re not making you go cold turkey heh
Thank goodness! Cold turkey usually never works does it? Any steps toward tackling the massive TBR pile are steps in the right direction I think. So, I’m taking the plunge — with a budget & a few exceptions, but I’m in & ready for 2015!
Christine @Buckling Bookshelves recently posted…Show Your Shelves Some Love (A No Book Buying Challenge) Sign-Up Post
This is such a good idea! I don’t know if I actually WANT to do it, because I love buying books, but I am going to do my best! <3
Kaitlin Michelle recently posted…Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge! #ShelfLove
Well, you can make your budget or rules however makes sense to you, but I’m sure it will help even a little to get through some of those books 🙂
[…] this week we announced the Show Your Shelves Some Love a No Book Buying Challenge. Now we are sharing our own goals with you. You can also review the details of the post on the […]
I need to commit to something like this because I have soooo many unread books on my shelves and on my Kindle! I have a serious book buying problem 🙂 My husband would greatly support me doing this. I have to seriously think about this, it would be so hard for me not to buy books since there are so many books that I still want to get my hands on 🙂
Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper recently posted…Luke 2:11-14 {Bible to Brain to Heart Scripture Memory Challenge}
Well, you could set up a rewards system, where you are allowed to buy a book for every say 5 you read?
That’s a really good idea!
Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper recently posted…Intentional Christmas: A Family Advent Plan
Well, you know I was planning on doing this challenge anyway but I was so very relieved to see that I can put myself on a budget and still buy books. Because I don’t know if I could survive not buying a book for an entire year! *haha* Okay, I’m think I’m going to shoot for at least a brown belt. Gotta go get my post ready. 🙂
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…**Release Day Blas & Giveaway ~ Havoc ~ Autumn Grey**
Yea I think you have to be fair to yourself. It should be a challenge, but it should also be something you would want to stick with.
[…] to the intro post, there are 6 levels for goals of reading from 0-10 (yellow belt) to 50+ (black belt) books for […]
So what I need. I counted this morning and I have 170 unread books on my shelves. Gasp, right?
Leila @ LeilaReads recently posted…For Your Reading Pleasure – BookBlogWriMo 2014 Posts
Only 170? Not bad hon lol you’re almost on your way to book hoarding status.
So… Say I read a book at the library a year or so ago. And I find it on sale somewhere… Does that count because technically I’ve already read it, I’m just adding it to my collection?
Ooh what a great question. Hmm.. well, technically it isn’t an unread and unloved book on your shelf, so I think it is OK since part of the idea is to not spend more money on books you haven’t read. So I think your scenario is safe on a technicality. Lawyered (I’m not a lawyer).
[…] Just found out about this awesome challenge that may help you stick to your buying ban! I’ve signed up and can’t wait to beat it […]
This is such an awesome challenge! I need it in my life. Definitely going to participate and am aiming for that black belt!
Bec @ Readers in Wonderland recently posted…Review: In a Handful of Dust by Mindy McGinnis
Ooh look at you aiming for the top! Looking forward to seeing the books you read 🙂
Just joined this challenge, what a great idea! I did really well this year with not buying too many books, so I am pretty sure I can keep it up next year and hopefully this challenge will be the extra push I need. I’ll make my pots later this month and link-up. btw what about books you receive for review, it’s not buying, so does that count or not?
Lola recently posted…Book Blitz: Slip by David Estes
Books received for review are fine too since you’re not buying them. But I think for the challenge it makes more sense to count the books you already received, not new books received after the challenge begins.
I’m so in! To be clear – if I add books from Audible credits that I have already, NetGalley, Gifts/Gift Cards that’s okay – but I can’t purchase any other books, right? Now I have a yearly subscription to audible that renews in March – does that count as adding credits or just maintaining? So excited!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…My 2015 Reading Assignment List
The monthly Audible subscriptions are OK because let’s consider those previously spoken for. But Rose says we are not allowed to buy additional credits lol. I’m thinking when writing up the participating post, we can all list exceptions and rules we plan to stick to. For example, pre-orders can be ok if you want them to be, so include that in your post if you have a lot of pre-orders. Also, an exception must be made for book club books. Otherwise all 3 of us are in trouble lol.
Oh yeah, book club books for sure because I can’t make sure I have them in advance. I’ll probably get books from the library too, but I’m keeping my budget at a LOW number for sure. I think I’m going for a black belt since I really want to read what I have this year! Yikes, I’m already nervous! LOL!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…The Bride Says No by Cathy Maxwell
I could maybe do this for a month, but a whole year? Heck no, although I’m sure that my TBR pile would thank me. It’s a great idea though, and I know several bloggers who’d already planned on doing this on their own in 2015, so I’ll pass on the word. Good luck with your goals!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Early Review: The Stag Lord by Darby Kaye
Thanks Carmel 🙂 Yea this will definitely be difficult, but even doing it for a month would make your bookshelf happy.