#Shelflove: Best Sales Pitch for the Book You Must Buy

Posted May 2, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges, Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2015 / 21 Comments


No Book Buying Challenge 2015 – April Update

As you know, we are co-hosting the Show Your Shelves Some Love: A No Book Buying Challenge. You can also review the details of the post on theNo Book Buying Challenge page from the menu above.  It’s almost the middle of the year, you haven’t bought a book yet and you are dying for the latest release. Give us your best sales pitch to convince the world you deserve that book.

Julie Review AvatarJulie: 

If there’s any book I absolutely must have (you know, if I had any time to read a physical book) it would be the upcoming Rachel Vincent book, The Stars Never Rise. I love everything that woman writes (seriously, her Soul Screamers and her Shifters series are both among my all time faves). So this one just sounds so super amazing – a girl who exorcises demons!

The Stars Never Rise (Untitled Series, #1)
by Rachel Vincent

I’ve also only read 6 of my previously owned books so far this year. I’m not doing so well huh?

I have embedded my Goodreads shelf so that I can share the books I read as I go.


Lynnpic avatar Lynn: For me, Rainbow Rowell’s special edition of Fangirl is all I can think about right now. I want it. I need it. I’m going to throw a tantrum like a 3-year old if I can’t get it. It has a preview of Carry On. And comes in three different colors (from three different book sellers). I need all three. Whew. I feel better for getting that off my chest. True, I want this book. And I don’t actually own a hard copy, I own the audio. It’s not the same as holding the actual book. And this really is one of my favorites. Right now, I don’t know if I’ll buy it or not. It’s felt really good being able to say I haven’t bought any books so far this year. That’s an impressive feat. I’ll have to think about it some more.  I’ve read 6 books I own so far this year. Which doesn’t feel good. I need to buckle down and read the books I own, instead of borrowing books from the library that I’d rather read. 

 Rose review avatar Rose: 

Right now the book I want the most is Tammara Webber’s new book, Sweet. I love anything she writes and can’t wait to get my hands on this book… I have done good on this no book buying challenge this year in that I have in fact bought ZERO books. However, I have also in fact read like ONE book I already owned this year, the rest have been free kindle book specials and audiobooks bought with existing credits. I have only read 9 books total this year!ACK!

Are you participating in this challenge? Link up your March update posts below:

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Posted May 2, 2015 by Julie S. in Challenges, Featured Posts, Shelf Love 2015 / 21 Comments


21 responses to “#Shelflove: Best Sales Pitch for the Book You Must Buy

  1. My sales pitch is for a comic book. LOL. I’ve read 33 books so far this year a combo of books I owned, ARCS, and netgalley titles I should have reviewed ages ago. I have heard good things about Rachel Vincent and Rainbow Rowell but haven’t read any of their books yet. I’ve never heard of Tammara Webber, but I feel like I need to check them out as well. I want all of the books. ALL OF THE BOOKS.
    Kaitlin Michelle recently posted…#Shelflove: I am Jack’s Best Sale’s Pitch

  2. You all three have my permission! *haha* I was excited to see that you all want a book (or 3, in Lynn’s case) from a favorite author. I’m pretty anxious for Rachel Vincent’s upcoming book myself. 🙂 I hoping to have my sales pitch posted on Friday.
    Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays ~ #66

    • Julie

      Good news, I just won a contest and got to pick a pre-order. Guess what I picked?

  3. I am useless because I am just going to tell all 3 of you that you absolutely deserve the books! AND I am going to tell Lynn just to buy all 3. Seriously, I am an enabler. I mean, I own 4 sets of The Hunger Games. I am also super broke, so maybe I can serve as your cautionary tale? Good luck ladies, you are doing awesome!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…This Week At Midnight (59)

    • Julie

      It is a Goodreads widget 🙂 As you can see, I’m not so great with them myself heh.

  4. Lynn, I love your part of the post! I’m getting ready for the 2nd leg of back-to-back business trips. Do you have any idea how hard it is NOT to spend time in the airport bookstores? OMG! I told my traveling companions last week to NOT let me buy any books. I travel alone this week and I’m not sure I can resist. Shiny new books plus an exhausted, bored Terri are not a good mix.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews
    Terri M., the Director recently posted…In the Spotlight: Jade Eby, author of Whiskey and a Gun

    • Julie

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lynn throw a tantrum, so that cracked me up too hehe. Good luck traveling and not buying books. Maybe if you bring so many of your own physical heavy things to lug around, it will remind you that you don’t want more?

    • Lynn

      Thanks, Terri and Julie. I’m over my rant. Sort of. I found out today I can buy a personalize copy from Ms. Rowell’s local book store. Now I want one even more. Maybe I’ll buy it for myself for my birthday.