That’s what HE said Thursday- July 30, 2015

Posted July 30, 2015 by Rose C. in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 11 Comments


Every Thursday we are hosting a meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.


Rose review avatar  Rose’s Quote:

“Tania, you want to know something?…The less you’ve been out at night, the better I like it”

Alexander to Tatiana

(The Bronze Horseman by: Paullina Simons)

So this is another re-share. However, I have recently been thinking about this book quite a lot so I thought I would share one of my favorite “Shura” quotes. This quote makes me melt every time I read this book.  Alexander is walking through the park at night with Tatiana and she remarks innocently how the park looks different at night.  Alexander asks her if she has ever been to the park at night before and Tatiana, wanting to appear mature and older than her 17 years, admits that no, she hasn’t, but she has been- and Alexander cuts her off with this quote…. LOVE IT!  She is soooo worried about appearing older (well, old enough for him anyways), and it is her innocence that undoes Alexander.  Awesome book.



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Posted July 30, 2015 by Rose C. in ThatsWhatHeSaid / 11 Comments


11 responses to “That’s what HE said Thursday- July 30, 2015

    • Julie

      I agree, I have it in print. Actually Rose got it for me as a gift, and she asked if I wanted it in print or ebook, and I had to pick print.

  1. I think I actually squealed out loud when I saw your quote for this week. The Bronze Horseman is my Favorite. Book. Ever. Just reading the quote gives me all the feels again. 🙂 Thanks for the little rush of emotion from reading a quote from my favorite book! <3 (I hope to get my post up later this afternoon. I am now inspired! LOL)
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