Are we Turning into a Dystopian Novel? a Guest Post

Posted July 27, 2016 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests / 6 Comments

Today we have a guest post on a more serious note. A lot more serious. If you know me, you know I hate people first, and then make exceptions later. Because people suck. They really do. This guest post from a fellow blogger laments the fact that society might be devolving into something we only want to read about in a dystopian novel. Don’t agree? Just watch the news (something I avoid doing because it is depressing). Think to some of your favorite dystopian novels and what their societies are like – are we headed in that direction? I know I enjoy dystopians because of how horrible they are and because a small part of me can see how such a world can exist. Check out the post below and let us know what you think on this serious topic.

Are You Participating In De-Evolution?


Do you walk around just doing and not thinking about your actions? Do you participate in internet discussions with an opinion you derived it from thin air just for the sake of argument? We’re all guilty of it to some degree but lately I’ve been thinking. De-Evolution is something we don’t want to admit is “A Thing.”

I’ve been thinking about the theory of Devolving

Social Media was created so we could connect. But how many people are using it to feed anger? Fear? Jealousy? Turn your emotions to the people who matter. Not your friends, family or complete strangers. We need to start addressing the real problems.


I’ll give you an example of something I saw recently within an awareness campaign about women and boundaries. If a woman wants to be touched in a certain way she will invite you. The same goes for a man.

Human beings often crave for conversation and a real connection before being touched in any way. I personally don’t see the big deal of raising a little awareness that you would prefer not to be hit on full bogan style. Yet this campaign drew so many ridiculous comments.

Do you know how many people had a downright stupid opinion? An opinion that was not even related to the campaign? An opinion designed to degrade someone else. An opinion to detract from the real issue here.

“Typical. But you want the right to breastfeed in public. Double standards much?”

“Stop the victim mentality and toughen up.”

If the cavemen (and cavewomen) commenting actually used some brain cells, they would see in this particular situation we are eating a big fat cup of concrete. We are standing up as women and saying NO. You cannot touch me without permission. You cannot slap my ass and get away with it. We are trying to evolve and move away from degenerate behaviour, but some people just won’t have it.

Get a grip society. What have we become? We are class segregating ourselves.  The De-evolution of humans has seen us rotting in our office chairs with a screen in our face. I have met people who spend a good part of their day sitting on Facebook tearing other people down and just so absorbed in other people’s lives they are not even living their own.

It may be far-fetched but when I read books like Maze Runner, Hunger Games, Divergent – anything with a dystopian narrative behind it – I see our future. I see the split of society. I see walls being built. I see chaos.


When we’re living in Dystopia where will you be forced to reside?

We are not fulfilled anymore with real substance and it is desensitizing us. How are you going to learn and grow as a person when you spend your free time scrolling through a newsfeed full of sponsored posts and corporation controlled advertisements? Pick up a book, find a hobby. Buy a Kindle. Read some independent blogs about the things you love. If you dislike reading, then discover some new music.


Which will you choose?




About The Author Of “De-Evolution Is It Possible You Are Involved? “

Kate Shelby is an Australian blogger, mother, and lover of all things superhero and villain. Between raising kids and tackling life’s curve balls you will find her at Australian Mum & on Instagram.

Are we Turning into a Dystopian Novel

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Posted July 27, 2016 by Julie S. in Blogging Guests / 6 Comments


6 responses to “Are we Turning into a Dystopian Novel? a Guest Post

  1. What a great post! While I don’t think we’re necessarily headed for a dystopian society, I can definitely see the possibility. Social media definitely has had some very negative repercussions – because of how it’s being used. And it worries me that one of our obvious needs is better education and yet education is rarely discussed. And I don’t just say that because I’m a teacher. But if history has taught us anything, I think it’s that nations and societies fall and are replaced by new, stronger ones. Whether the stronger ones will look like a dystopian novel, though… Idk.
    Berls recently posted…My TBR List | August 2016 Voting

  2. An excellent post, Julie, and very good questions, however uncomfortable. Of course, it is the sad truth that there are certain elements of society that would benefit from reeducation, and yes, social media has indeed made it easier for them to spread their vitriol. Also guilty are many public personalities that have behaved in such a manner so as to legitimize certain habits previously considered unacceptable. I don’t know that we’re headed for a dystopian society, but it is grim…
    Ramona recently posted…Summer Reading 2016

    • Julie

      That’s probably the worst part – the public personalities getting away with terrible behavior, teaching everyone else that it is OK

  3. Lynn

    I read a post by Colleen Hoover that said never post anything that doesn’t apply to at least 50 of your followers. I’ve taken that to heart.

  4. I think twice before posting an emotional or knee jerk reaction via social media because it bums me out to see when other people are super negative and vicious online.