Guest Post and Book Blast: Eyes Ever to the Sky by Katie French

Posted May 18, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 3 Comments

eyesevertotheskyTitle: Eyes Ever to the Sky

Series: The Sky Trilogy #1

Author: Katie French

Publisher: Katie French Books

Publication Date: May 13, 2013

Goodreads description: 
When Hugh wakes up in a smoldering crater—no memory, no clothes—a single thought echoes in his head…trust no one. Frightened and alone, with no memory of who he is, he stumbles upon a grisly murder scene and is fatally shot. He wakes, only to find he can heal himself. He has superpowers, and he’s going to need them.

Desperate and bleeding, Hugh stumbles upon fifteen-year-old Cece, who’s got enough troubles of her own. Between caring for her bipolar mother and trying not to get evicted from her run-down trailer, Cece may be the only person struggling as much as Hugh. Drawn to Hugh, Cece finds a love she’s never known. But when the real killer—a man-hunting beast—chooses another victim, Hugh and Cece realize they must unlock the clues to their past if they have any chance at a future.


Guest Post:  

My Top Ten Young Adult Books of the Year

By Katie French

I’m a pretty frenetic reader, in that I try to consume about a book a week. Most of the time they are young adult, though I like to venture into adult Sci Fi from time to time. Here are my top ten YA books from this past year in no particular order.

  1. Wool by Hugh Howey– Though not specifically a young adult book, this series is just too good to leave off the list. This dystopian masterpiece brings us inside with the last survivors on earth, a group of people entombed in a silo. As if being buried underground weren’t enough, something fishy is afoot with the established government. What I love about this story is Howey’s attention to detail and his eye for suspense. You don’t want to miss this series.
  1. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi – This dystopian series pits the secure, but fragile people of dome against the savages in the outside world. Perry, the male lead, is smokin’ hot, one of the reason I love this book. And Aria is a strong female protagonist you’ll love.
  1. Pure by Julianna Baggott – Another dystopian with people living in domes. The similarities between this story and Under the Never Sky are scary, but I loved them both. Pure is darker and a little more brutal, which I personally enjoy. The main character has a doll’s head fused over her fist. What’s not to love about that?
  1. Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn – Quinn is an indie author making major waves right now. In this dystopian, people can read minds and the protagonist is an odd man out when she never develops this ability. The Kindle book is free, so you have to check it out.
  1. The Fault in our Stars by John Green – Though this book is not dystopian, or science fiction at all, it is one of my all time favorites this year. The tragic love story between two teens with cancer is as enlightening as it is heartbreaking. Green is truly one of the literary greats of our time.
  1. The Scourge by A.G. Henley – This dystopian is a tale told by a sightless girl in a world where fleshies (think zombies) roam. She alone must face them to bring back the water her tribe desperately needs. Another indie author, Henley is a master of weaving an engaging story without any sight imagery what-so-ever.
  1. The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare – In book one of her Infernal Devises series, Clare shows us Jem and Will on the streets of Victorian England. I loved the setting and the specific details Clare weaves into this paranormal romance series. I drooled over Will who is one of the most attractive characters I’ve read yet.
  1. Such a Rush by Jennifer Echols – Another realistic fiction book set to knock your socks off. The characters are so real and likable you’ll think you are back in high school hanging out with your best friends. And the male leads are super sexy. You might also learn a bit about aviation, too.
  1. Maze Runner by James Dashner – Everyone has heard of this book so it is no surprise that I have it on my “must read” list. I loved book one. Once you start, you cannot put this book down even if your pants are on fire. The rest of the books in the series paled in comparison.
  1. Blood Red Road by Moira Young – I picked up this book because it has striking similarities to my book, The Breeders. The raw grittiness of the book, coupled with the kick-butt female protagonist, made this a winning combination for me. Don’t let the vernacular throw you. It is worth a couple of confusing first pages to get to the heart of the story.

So there you have it, my top ten YA books of the year. Sound off in the comments below about yours.

About the Author:

Katie French is the author Eyes Ever to the Sky, a young adult sci fi romance that released May 13th. Her other books include The Breeders, a young adult dystopian adventure, and Nessa: A Breeders Story, a prequel novelette both available on Amazon. You can find her on her website, or like her on Facebook or Twitter.

Buy this book in Kindle or paperback format on the author’s Amazon Page.

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Posted May 18, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Guest Post and Book Blast: Eyes Ever to the Sky by Katie French

  1. Good list Katie! I have several of the same books on my to-read list. I loved!!! The Fault In Our Stars, too! I like Jennifer Echols, too, so I am adding her book. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. This is such a great list! Thanks for sharing with us Katie! I have only read 2 of these and have the rest on my massive to read shelf.