Who doesn’t love giveaways, right? I decided to keep this giveaway small, so I’m giving away a $10 Amazon gift card so you can buy a book from one of the authors at BEA, or whatever else you want 🙂
Click on the “giveaway” image to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Note: Some posts may contain affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase a product, we will receive a small commission for the sale at no additional cost to you. Chapter Break is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

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Thanks for the giveaway. It was great getting to know you a little this week.
Hope you’re having a great Monday evening!
Cuz really, who doesn’t love a free gift card?
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
What a generous thing to do!
Thank you!
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I love your background photo by the way. All those awesome books…swoon.
Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this event!
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Awsome giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for having such an amazing giveaway!! 😀
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Twitter: @BookAttict
Facebook: Elizabeth Kotkiewicz Hyatt
Linky: BookAttict
Bloglovin’: BookAttict
WordPress: BookAttict
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the great giveaway and all the fun posts!!!!
Thank you so much!
This is such a great giveaway for all of us who could attend. Thanks!
Sounds like ya’ll had a great time at the Armchair BEA Central meeting.. I love to be around that many books, but I would never be able to make up my mind, but it would be great to met authors, etc. Thanks for the giveaway $10.. can get e a great book
Thanks for the giveaway. I love the background. I love a good pile of books to work my way through. There’s a lot there I’ve read and loved and a lot I want to read.
Discovered Armchair BEA last year, but when it was all over! Finally I can participate (at least through comments) this year 🙂
Awesome! Thanks!
Shared on Romance Novel Giveaways on Facebook! Thanks!!!
YAAAY…Thanks for the giveaway!
Hey $10 at Amazon can go far! Thanks for the giveaway!
Your blog background is awesome. So many great books I would love to own.
thanks for the great giveaway
Thanks for the great giveaway! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!
I so wish I could go to BEA, it’s sounds like bookish heaven 😀 Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Yayy giveaway!
Awesome giveaway. I’m doing armchair BEA too, but I decided not to do a giveaway…because I’m doing one in a few days 🙂 I really love your blog tho– the backgrounds sweet.
Nice giveaway! Thanks.
Love the giveaway! Thank you!
Fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance to score a book 🙂
Thank you! this is very generous of you 😀
I like your stack of books background m/
Nice giveaway – and WoW is your background a picture of your own bookshelf? It awesome!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yay thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Who doesn’t love a gift card! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway! Armchair BEA is awesome 😉 I wish one day I could go to the actual BEA 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!!
Yay, great giveaway, thanks for the chance 🙂
Happy ABEA!
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I think Armchair BEA is a great feature for those of us who can’t assist, one day perhaps 🙂
cool thanks for the chance to win
thank you so much for a wonderful giveaway.
New fan here, thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Here’s My Giveaway & Literary Fiction Post
Thank you… 🙂
Gift cards are great so thank you for this giveaway. Every gift card I get goes to books.
thanks for awesome giveaway^^
Hmmm…so many options…great giveaway!
Yay! Amazing giveaway! Thank you!
Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love the background of your blog ! (So many Books!!)
And thanks for the Giveaway!