Armchair BEA 2013 – Wrap-up

Posted June 2, 2013 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 1 Comment


The final day of Armchair BEA is a wrap-up discussion:

On this final day, we encourage you to wrap-up the week with your favorites and highlights of the week.  Did you learn something new?  Did you connect with a new-to-you blogger?  What was your favorite discussion topic?  Do you have ideas for future years?  

Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s Thoughts

This was my first Armchair BEA and I thought it was just super awesome. Not only did I get to meet so many great book bloggers, I got to see again how wonderful this community of people really is. Everyone is so willing to be helpful and share tips and tricks of the trade with each other, and it is just amazing to see how supportive the book blogging community is. Because bottom line we do this because we love books and we want to share our passion. I wish I could have visited every blog that was participating, but there are hundreds of you!  And I had to work!
I definitely learned a lot and hope to apply the tips shared by everyone to improve my process.  I thought the ethics discussion was especially helpful and enlightening. One lovely blog I visited reminded us to link back to the tour organizers when we participate in tours for them. Well I haven’t been doing that, but I will from now on.  I don’t know if I’ll have time to go update the previously posted tours and those already scheduled, but at least for all the new one I post I’ll try to remember to add a link.
As far as ideas for future topics, I guess it would be nice to have an easier way to interact with everyone. There were some twitter parties and chats, but many happened during the day at a set time, and I couldn’t attend because of work. Plus, with so many people posting, it is hard to visit all the blogs, or even make a dent in the list of links every day. If maybe there was a way to break things into smaller groups I think it would help newbies like me get more involved when time allows.
But I certainly enjoyed the daily blog discussion prompts and I thank everyone who took the time to read our posts and comment. I returned every comment we received by visiting the blog and commenting back. I also started following a lot more blogs, so now my inbox is hating me haha.

Rose review avatar   Rose’s Thoughts

I thought Armchair BEA was was a really fun way to get involved for those of us who couldn’t attend the real deal.  I love the sense of community participating in this helpd create.  I got to read a lot of blogs I had not previously visited before and learn many new things.  I liked the daily prompts and commenting back and forth with various other bloggers.  It sure has been a super busy week!!! Only suggestion I have is what Julie already mentioned above:- for those of us who work, it was hard to participate in the chats because they took place during working hours.  All in all, a great experience!!! Thanks to everyone who participated and commented!

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Posted June 2, 2013 by Julie S. in ArmchairBEA / 1 Comment


One response to “Armchair BEA 2013 – Wrap-up

  1. Glad to have found your blog. I’m still playing catch-up on blog visits so I’ll be back. Great points. I’ve clicked to receive your posts in emails so I can keep up with you.