Audiobook Week 2013 – Day 4: Audiobook Tasks

Posted June 20, 2013 by Julie S. in Audiobook Week / 5 Comments

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Day 4 of  Audiobook week 2013 topic:

Thursday: Audiobook Tasks
What do you do while you listen? Any particular tasks or games that you find amazing for audio time?

Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s Thoughts

Almost all of my audiobook listen time is spent driving. My drive is 45 minutes to an 1.5 hours depending on traffic. I’ve also recently started listening while working out on my elliptical machine. That helps pass the time! Sometimes I’ll listen at home while doing some chores around the house but not very often. Also, sometimes when I’m having a really slow day at work and no one will interrupt me I’ll go ahead and get my earbuds in and listen to some of my audiobook. For the most part I listen on my smartphone so I can pick up anywhere. I used to get CDs from the library but once I got my smartphone I just download to it directly.

Rose review avatar   Rose’s Thoughts

Perhaps the better question would be, what DON’T I do while listening to audiobooks?!  I listen while I work. (I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician at a hospital and since I work in an inpatient setting, I do not have customers that I speak to.  It is just me and the drugs and filling orders, so I get lots of uninterrupted listening time.) I listen on the daily commute to work (one hour each way in light traffic) and I listen on my drive to the barn (an hour each way). I listen while walking my dog. I listen while cleaning or folding laundry. I listen before falling asleep sometimes. I listen while getting ready to go out (putting on makeup, fixing hair, etc..) I have even been known to sit in my car in my driveway and listen just to finish a chapter.

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Posted June 20, 2013 by Julie S. in Audiobook Week / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Audiobook Week 2013 – Day 4: Audiobook Tasks

  1. like both of y’all I have a long commute so do most of my listening then. I’ve heard many folks say they listen while getting ready–I’ve never thought to do this! I have gotten some strange looks from my husband when I’ve been sitting in the driveway absolutely absorbed by a good audio.

  2. I’m with you, Rose – it’s easier to come up with places where I don’t listen 🙂 I prefer downloading audiobooks to my phone too.