Audiobook Week 2013 – Day 5: Finding Audiobooks

Posted June 21, 2013 by Julie S. in Audiobook Week / 3 Comments

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Day 5 of  Audiobook week 2013 topic:

Friday: Finding audiobooks
Where do you learn about great audiobook titles? Buy your audiobooks? Share your secrets with the rest of us! We’d particularly love to know what narrators or publishers are active in social media or do a great job communicating with listeners.

Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s Thoughts

I usually learn about great audiobooks from reviews and friends recommendations. I don’t usually buy them, since they cost a lot more than the print or ebook. I get them straght to my smartphone from the library via overdrive, my streaming account, and in the summers from Sync.  I don’t really know which narrators are active and communicate with listeners because I haven’t tried following any narrators specifically. I usually follow authors. But, I guess it would be cool to pick some narrators that I seem to like and see if they are good to follow. I haven’t gotten to the point where I would pick up an audiobook specifically because a certain narrator has performed it. For now I just pick my book based on availability and if I want to read that title, and see if I end up liking the audio. But maybe I should start paying better attention to who narrates the books I listen to, and see if I do end up making a list of favorites and do-not-listens.

Rose review avatar   Rose’s Thoughts

I first considered listening to audiobooks from goodreads in an Outlander group.  Everyone said how good the audiobooks were and since I could not stop rereading the books, I decided that listening while I was working would be quite enjoyable.  From that moment on, I was hooked!!! I mostly hear of good audiobooks from fellow book club members or from‘s listener reviews.  I have my favorite narrators and tend to listen to the books they read.  I have a few narrators that I avoid at all costs and if they narrate a book I wanted to listen to, I will choose to read the print or ebook version instead.

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Posted June 21, 2013 by Julie S. in Audiobook Week / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Audiobook Week 2013 – Day 5: Finding Audiobooks

  1. I have Outlander waiting for me in audio! Just need to find the time to actually listen to it. Can’t wait as I’ve heard such great things. I haven’t tried to download audiobooks via Overdrive straight to my phone but I need to see if my library allows this as an option. Audible makes it so easy that sometimes I go there first before going to the library website where I’ll have to upload then download then upload then…

  2. I’m like the two of you. I receive my audio recommendations mainly from audible, goodreads and blogs. I don’t follow publishers or narrators although I’m thinking I may want to start, if only to keep up on new releases.