Guest post: Cassandra Giovanni, author of Love Exactly

Posted July 3, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours, Giveaways / 2 Comments

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love exactlyTitle: Love Exactly
Author: Cassandra Giovanni
Published: June 20, 2013

SynopsisEmma Walker was a writer who’d lost herself to someone else’s anger–who had given up on ever feeling like herself again.

Evan Levesque was a rock-god–the one all the woman wanted, but he’d never gotten used to the loneliness between the stage and real life.

With just one cup of coffee they’ll begin a journey of self-discovery at each others sides, but can Emma handle Evan’s fame while dealing with her own demons? Emma’s checkered personal past, a bad relationship that haunts the edges of her memories, threatens to make everything implode on them when Evan takes matters into his own hands.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words…they’ll destroy my soul–Can Emma handle being put back together and facing who she’s become because of it? 

GENRE: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Mild to moderate sexual content

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Guest Post: Pros & Cons of Being Indie by Cassandra Giovanni

It’s no secret that I’m a proud Indie writer–in fact I established the Indie Author Group, The FBI (fabulous, bold, indies) on Goodreads a few months back. The group has slowly grown from a hand full of amazing authors to almost sixty. I couldn’t be more excited–we talk about all things Indie–the pros and the cons. I’m glad to say that in every single way the pros outweigh the cons, and in the ever-changing publishing industry independent authors are beginning to have the upper hand.

The inevitable cons of being Indie are quite simply the things that go with being traditionally, large-publishing house, represented–the marketing is the biggest one. It’s no secret that most Indie authors, including myself, have to work a day job to support the dream of being a writer. There are those that have succeeded so much that they don’t have to work anymore, but they worked extremely hard to get to that point; David Estes comes to mind.

It also seems that movie rights are most often procured in the traditional publishing world. I haven’t seen an Indie published author’s book turn into Twilight movie phenomenon yet, BUT it could very well happen (cough, cough…Love Exactly would make an amazing movie!)–it’s just easier to get such a deal when you have a major publisher pummeling their way into the industry. There is a fence pro/con, which could be money, but time and time again Indies have proved that they are making FAR more being Indie than they would at a traditional publisher. It seems to be a matter of volume, and volume is hard to do when you work full-time and go to college full-time like myself. It’s not impossible, though, it’s simply a juggling act that one has to get used to. I swear if I took a break I would die of lack of stress!

The pros are far more, in my mind, and they are the reason I decided that Indie was the way for me. The biggest of them was simply that I wanted my book to be my book. I didn’t want to have to bow down to someone who said I should chop here or add there–in traditional publishing you don’t get much of a choice. Do as you’re told. As an Indie when my editor suggests something, it’s just that, a suggestion. I can choose to do with it what I will (now, I normally listen, but I also got to choose her as my editor–another Indie perk).

The second biggest pro to me was the fact that all the formatting and designing was left to me. I’m a professional photographer, so I wanted to be able to use my trade to my unique covers. I wanted full control over every part of those covers, and I have that because I’m Indie. I also have kick-butt, unique covers that no one else can have without violating a hefty amount of copyright laws. “Copycat” covers is becoming an epidemic in the publishing world, not only do publishers say they don’t have time to edit, but they also don’t have the time or money to spend on giving books covers that are true to the book. Girls in poofy dresses sells–so that’s what you’re going to get, along with a guy and a girl cuddling shirtless in some fashion or another.

Other pros–I market the way I choose (no one is telling me I must tweet), I control who gets freebies (swag and books), and I get emails directly from my fans–that I can respond to as I choose. So basically, I love being Indie because I’m a control-freak.

About the Author:

Cassandra doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character’s stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. In 2012 she became a published Young Adult author, releasing In Between Seasons (The Fall, #1) and Walking in the Shadows. In 2013 she branched out by using her artistic illustrating talents to publish her first Children’s novel, The Adventures of Skippy Von Flippy: Tales of Friendship (Skippy Tales, #1). 

Cassandra is a freelance professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is the owner of Gio Design Studiosa photography and publication marketing company that designs covers and marketing materials for authors utilizing the company’s photography. She is currently studying to receive her associates degree in Marketing. Cassandra is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with the other loves of her life their dogs, Bubski and Kanga.

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Posted July 3, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours, Giveaways / 2 Comments


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