Today we’re joining in with the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine. We’re a day behind, but catching up. We didn’t want to miss this fun blogger challenge! Below is the list of the 15 day challenge topics, feel free to join in!
Julie’s 15 Book Related Confessions
1. Hello, my name is Julie, and I am a book hoarder. I own so many sad “real” books that I haven’t read. I’m trying to sell/trade them once I read them if I decide it is not a book worth adding to my collection, but I can’t seem to get rid of those I haven’t read.
2. My husband refuses to build me more bookshelves. But I’m hoping when we get a new house and decide to get all new nicer furniture, I can end up with more bookshelves. Or at least organize my books better so the space is better used up. And books are easier to find. I have no system now.
3. I request way more books on Netgalley than I can read and review before they release. I know, I’m so bad. I blame my over-enthusiastic clicker finger. But that’s given me some stress as a blogger since I feel like I really should read and review them all, but there just isn’t enough time in the day. Plus, I don’t always expect to get approved for everything I click. I need to stop treating Netgalley like I do my Goodreads to-read list.
4. I have over 6000 books on my Goodreads to-read shelf. I will need to become immortal to read everything that interests me. Where are you Damon Salvatore?
5. I buy a lot of free kindle ebooks, and can’t always resist the sale ebooks. It’s that awful thing called One-Click-Buy. Instant gratification, it can be dangerous on the checkbook. It has led me to have 6000+ books associated with my amazon account. And no, not all these 6000 books are on my Goodreads, cause I can’t remember to always add all the free books I buy.
6. I read multiple books at the same time (for example – in bed, while driving on audio, at work during lunch). Sometimes when I’m reading books in the same genre I have a hard time keeping them straight.
7. I *love* audiobooks. They have saved my sanity while commuting. But some narrators can turn a great book into only a good book.
8. I love for my characters to experience growth. No shallow characters for me. I want them to feel and to lose and to hurt, and then to become stronger because of it.
9. I don’t really like romance books. I know, *gasp*, right? Well, I like romance between characters, but I can’t have that be the main focus point of the book. There has to be other stuff. I get bored when its just interpersonal drama.
10. I hate when movies screw up a good book (who doesn’t?) but I don’t go all crazy when the movie changes things if they end up working better on the screen. Same goes for TV shows.
11. I don’t keep track of who I loan my books out to, and sometimes feel like I’m missing books but can’t remember which ones, or who has them.
12. I sometimes end up with multiple copies of a book because I can’t remember if I already bought that book.
13. I admit to checking out someone’s bookshelves when I visit their house. My fellow book club members don’t have a problem with this, but some other people have given me strange looks.
14.I was a bookworm who devoured book as a child, then in high school I fell out of love with reading. I started flirting with reading again in college, and a few years ago the ravenous bookworm returned.
15. I love getting to talk about books. I feel like I get a better experience with the book when I see how others interpreted it and what they think about it. Sometimes I might miss stuff on my own, so discussing the book feels like a more complete read.
Rose’s 15 Book Related Confessions
1. I love re-reading my favorite books, but out loud.
2. I have so many book boyfriends, I feel dirty.
3. While you risk bodily harm for flirting with the real life boyfriend, I gleefully pimp out my book boyfriends to every girl I know regardless of her capacity to read.
4. I used to be anti e-reader.. I have since repented.
5. I am a sucker for the tortured hero.
6. I am convinced that James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser does in fact exist and is looking for me. I am currently waiting to be found.
7. I think I love listening to books even better than reading them.
8. Some audiobook should come with a disclaimer, “intense intimacy narration” because SERIOUSLY some readers are entirely too into it.
9. Scoping out the medicine cabinet, snooping through their TiVo, and eyeing a person’s bookshelf are necessary in order to get a better idea of who someone is and what exactly you are dealing with. (Yes, 95% of the time you know what is wrong with the person simply by taking a peek at their medicine cabinet.)
10. My first major book boyfriend crush happened 10 years ago. His name? Alexander Barrington Belov.
11. While I mostly focus my reading attention on YA and NA, I love reading military history.
12. My first ever book with “romance” in it was Walter Farely’s The Black Stallion and the Girl. (Disclaimer: this book contains absolutely NO form of beastiality as the title might suggest.)
13. I am becoming disheartened by the new trend of authors re-writing their original stories from the male’s point of view.
14. I tend to like books that are more character driven, while my co-blogger tends to like more plot driven novels.
15. If I loan you a book, I actually DO expect to get it back.
This meme is hosted by Good Books and Good Wine.
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[…] so many books I want to read and never enough time. In fact, Julie has this problem as well. click here and jump to the comments section; I calculated how long it would take Julie to read every book […]
Wow Rose that was amazing Thank you for that math. I saw this post and decided to join the challenge. Love both of your lists and we have a lot of confessions in common. NetGalley is new to me. I just pray the book gods aren’t funny with me this next month. ( I might have clicked 50 books in my sleep)
okay Julie, so, allowing for a few assumptions,
Average book length = 350 pages X 6000 books TBR = 2,100,000 pages TBR X the average time it takes to read a page (2 min) = 42,000,000 min TBR / 60 min (in an hour) = 70,000 hours TBR / 24 hours (in a day) = 2,917 days TBR / 365 days (in a year) = approx. 8 years of solid reading 24/7 in order to realistically finish your TBR list. Although, if we wanted to be more realistic and say you on average read three hours a day, then it would take you 64 years to read your TBR list. This would put you in a bit of a jam, as the average American female’s lifespan is only 79.1 years and you are not currently 15. But hey, it IS possible. But you would need to have you over zealous clicker finger surgically removed. just saying.
Julie- #3 and #5 are big issues with me as well. I mean bad. One night I went on a major requesting binge on NetGalley because, like you I don’t normally get approved all the time. Well the book Gods decided they’d be funny. I got declined for 2 and approved for 36. *Facepalm* And your #11…made me gasp a little haha! 🙂 Awesome list.
Rose- Some of yours cracked me up! #2 is totally me…though I feel less dirty. haha and #5 the more broken they are the better for me 😀
Fun lists ladies! 🙂
Thanks Sheri! as for #5, do you have an all time fave tortured/tormented hero? one of my favorites is Zadist from Black Dagger Brotherhood series.