15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 2-Bedtime Reading Ritual

Posted July 9, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 4 Comments

It’s Day 2 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Rose review avatar  Rose’s Bedtime Reading Ritual:

Okay, so I would really LOVE to have a bed time reading ritual but in all honesty, I typically fall asleep before I can even finish a paragraph! Most nights, just having the energy to crack open a book is an accomplishment in and of itself.  I recently got a Kindle Paper White and I LOVE LOVE LOVE (yes, repeating something three time is necessary to convey the proper affection I feel towards this amazing little device!)it. I can now read with the soft back light and do not have to worry about disturbing the bf with bright light… wait, who am I kidding? The light does not bother him. In fact, NOTHING keeps him awake.  We have been known to both fall asleep with not only both nightstand lamps ablaze, but the bathroom shower light, the hall night light and the overhead ceiling fan light all on. Truth be told, I turn the lights out so that Doberman puppy Mad Man Maddox Mayhem gets the hint that it is SLEEP SLEEP time and not puppy pee, poo, pout, or prance-around-proudly-proclaiming-his-puppy-prowess-in-all-its-perky-glory-time. (Puppy toe nails on plastic crate trays are NOT conducive to puppy owner getting sleep) So yeah, my reading ritual is as follows: change into jammies, brush teeth, turn off all lights (except night light for precious pup), set alarm, crawl into bed, swipe finger over Paper White screen, anticipate reading a few chapter and promptly conking out after reading precisely 3 sentences.

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s Bedtime Reading Ritual:

I love reading before I go to sleep. Sometimes I even read until I can’t keep my eyes open anymore, which helps with insomnia, but isn’t as good for keeping up with the plot. But I find reading relaxing and entertaining at the same time, so if I can get comfortable with a good book before bed, it helps my brain shut off and let me just focus on the book. I sometimes have to read with a small book light or hide under the covers though because if my husband is trying to sleep and I’m just not ready yet, I get the irritated “turn off the light already” complaints. If I’m reading on my kindle, this is easy since I have a case with a book light on it. But many of my books are still in paperback or hardback, so that makes it a little bit more difficult. I often have the kindle and a “real” book by my bedside so I can alternate with which reader type I am in the mood for, or which book that I’m currently reading needs attention. I also like curling up with my kitty and reading, but this isn’t exactly bed time since the cat is not allowed in the bedroom at night – or she will just keep you up all night. The dogs have been exiled from the bedroom too for that reason. But they do make good daytime reading companions, or pre-nap reading companions. I’ve never listened to an audiobook before bed though. I think the quiet inner-head voice reading is what helps me get to sleep. I wonder if listening to the voice reading would keep me up. I know some people do set their audiobooks on a timer and try to go to sleep with that going, so it may be worth a try. For now, I like to get cozy and curl up with my book and the way the characters and their story sounds in my head.

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Posted July 9, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 4 Comments


4 responses to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 2-Bedtime Reading Ritual

  1. Playing Jokers

    I totally get the whole, “I will read a couple of chapters!” mentality to only read a couple of sentences. I joke with my roommate that a book has to pass the ‘sleep test’…is it so good that I won’t fall asleep while reading it or can it be marketed as a sleep aide? 😉

    Great post!
    Michelle @ Playing Jokers