15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, Day 3- Blogging BFFs

Posted July 10, 2013 by Julie S. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 2 Comments

It’s Day 3 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

Well Rose is definitely my blogging BFF since she is my co-blogger! It is awesome to be able to discuss ideas and topics and memes to participate in with another. It is great to do a sanity check with each other ’cause sometimes I think I get carried away and sign up for too much stuff and then can’t seem to keep up.

On my personal blog, I’d have to say Miranda is my closest blogging BFF. We’ve been online friends for years! Since I’ve only been book blogging since April, I can’t say that I’ve gotten that close to any specific blogger in this great community over another. But I hope to make some long lasting friendships as we continue to participate in this world 🙂

Rose review avatar  Rose:

Well, I do not know who this Julie girl even is, but since she says I am her blogging BFF, I suppose I HAVE to say she is mine as well. LOL. (kidding kidding, without you Julie, nothing would ever get posted and what DID get posted would most definitely be late.)  I am very new to blogging so it has been sooooooo much easier having Julie to explain everything to me because I have no patience to learn this kind of stuff, but Julie makes everything soooo much easier to understand for the non-tech savvy like me.  Another blogger that inspired me to start my own blog (although she is probably completely clueless of this fact!) is Ria from A Bookish Escape.  I met Ria at the Nightline taping with Colleen Hoover in Dallas, Texas.  She was the first person to ever utter the words “meme” and “book boyfriend” to me. And half a year later….. here I am! lol.

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Posted July 10, 2013 by Julie S. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 2 Comments


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