15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, Day 4 – Flinging Books

Posted July 11, 2013 by Julie S. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 4 Comments

It’s Day 4 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.



Rose review avatar  Rose’s Last Book Flung Across The Room:

So I do not like to bash books or anything, but I found myself trapped in some serious book flinging flashback when I saw today’s blog prompt.  It was awful. Imagine, if you will, a girl much like myself (because, you know, this is MY flashback) eagerly swiping on her Kindle and tapping the screen over an image of a much anticipated read.  Then, imagine if you will, said girl having devoured the book and upon reach the ending, flung the book across the room (much in the fashion of Miss Scarlett O’Hara above, but in this instance the kindle becomes super clued to her hand and no matter how much she fusses  or fights, or flings, or flails about, the kindle never gets unstuck from her hand and she is trapped! Trapped in the nightmare where she is unable to release her frustrations over a book that everyone seems to love, but that she could not learn to love no matter how hard she tried.  You see, I think it is cruel and evil to end a book like Jessica Sorensen ended The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden.  I believe there is a trust that exists between reader and author, an unspoken bond that promises the author will never unfairly torture her readers in exchange for the reader bravely following wherever her author’s books lead her.  It is my belief that Ms. Sorensen broke this trust.  This was the first book I have read by her.  It will be the last. Probably. Maybe. Should be. Okay Okay, FINE! If the author were to perhaps, oh I do not know, provide me with a free e-copy of the sequel I could maybe possibly learn to trust again. But no promises!!!!!   

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s Last Book Flung Across The Room:

I don’t think I’ve actually flung a book across the room recently, but I’ve wanted to. I guess I just didn’t want to damage my eReader, or my phone where I listen to audiobooks. The first book that comes to mind is Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire.  Abby’s and Travis’s relationship just frustrated me so much! They were so dysfunctional with Abby’s bi-polar tendencies and Travis’s violent outbursts. It was not an enjoyable read for me. I was listening to it on audio so a few times I pulled the ear buds out of my ears or hit the mute button in my car. That’s equivalent to book flinging, right?

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Posted July 11, 2013 by Julie S. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 4 Comments


4 responses to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, Day 4 – Flinging Books

    • Hi Angelica, I was the minority. We read it for book club and me and another girl weren’t huge fans, the rest of the group loved it. So it is all about preference. Still, even though it drove me crazy I did read Walking Disaster as well. I love Travis. I just can’t stand Abby heh.

  1. Rose: Okay Jessica Sorensen is one of my favorite authors but honestly I couldn’t agree with you more. When I got to the end of Coincidence I was like “REALLY?! THAT is how you want to leave me?!” Ahhh frustration. Hopefully some day you find your way to some of her other stuff because she really is brilliant…if a little bit cruel! HA.

    Julie: BD was one of those weird instances where the book took my heart and stomped all over it and I wanted to strangle Abby but still loved it. I get where you’re coming from though. Definitely fling worthy.