August ARC Challenge

Posted July 12, 2013 by Rose C. in ARC August / 1 Comment


Read. Sleep. Repeat. is doing this awesome thing called ARC August. It is a challenge to get through some of those ARCs, cause you know we bloggers let those pile up and request them faster than we can read them. Chapter Break has decided to participate to try to clear our ARC shelves, at least just a little bit. Also, one lucky participant wins a $20 gift card. OK, so we’ll have to share it if we win, but hey, good motivation, right?

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s ARC Challenge:

I have requested and received quite a few (OK . . . a lot!) of arcs through Netgalley. I even have a shelf on Goodreads to list all my Netgalley books, so I can remember what they are. Most of them are a lost cause at this point since the books have been out for some time now. But a few are recent enough that if I get around to reading and reviewing them, my review will still be relevant. I’m going to focus on a few of those. Likewise, I’ve received some arcs directly from publishers or through book tours. Sometimes I get an arc from a book tour in order to select my excerpt or teaser for the tour. A few book tours I do decide to do a review so I get an arc that way that I *have* to read and post a review on a certain date.

In any case I am going to try to get through a few of these arcs in the month of August as part of this Arc Challenge. I’m gonna be somewhat realistic and try to say I will review 3 arcs in addition to everything I have already signed up, even though that sounds like too much when I think about everything I already have planned. I have 2 books I already signed up for review tours in August, 3 books to do a joint review with my co-blogger in August, as well as the many books I have to read for book clubs. Yes, I love to read so I’m part of way too many great book clubs. In fact, I just counted and I have 6 book club meetings I plan to attend in August. OK, so I’m obviously doomed!  I haven’t even mentioned those books I got from authors as a gift in exchange for a review at some point soon. Anyway, below is a list of some of the books I have to get through, and some I hope to get through.

ARCs and review copies I have on my to read soon list:

Rose review avatar  Rose’s ARC Challenge:

Okay, I have so many books to read for the month of August it is CRAZY!!!!!

Overall, I plan to read 15 books for the month of August, 5 or which will be ARCs.  Here is the total break down:

5 Arcs

4 Audio Books

4 Sookie Stackhouse novels

2 Book Club books (one of which is in audio format)

2 Books by Cora Carmack for review.

And the kicker is, the majority of these I will attempt to post reviews on. So without further ado, wish me luck and all that (hey, I basically gotta read 2 books every other night. Yikes! What did I just sign myself up for?

Rose’s list of ARC’s for ARC August:

  1. Losing Hope (netgalley)
  2. Out of Breath (netgalley)
  3. Real (hosted blog tour/author gave bloggers an e-galley)
  4. Eyes Ever to the Sky (netgalley)
  5. Love Exactly (hosted blog tour/author gave bloggers an e-galley)

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Posted July 12, 2013 by Rose C. in ARC August / 1 Comment


One response to “August ARC Challenge

  1. Wow that’s some kind of schedule! But I feel your pain! I drafted up my schedule the other day and just walked away lol.

    I wish you luck though and thanks again for signing up!