15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 7-Blogging Quirks

Posted July 14, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 9 Comments

It’s Day 7 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Rose review avatar  Rose’s Blogging Quirks Idiosyncrasies:

  • I probably should write my reviews in word first and the copy and paste, but I don’t.  Instead I stare stupidly at the suddenly blank screen where my review had been one sentence shy from completion and wonder at the unfairness of life and yell at my boyfriend instead. (sorry, Phil)
  • I  find it hard to review a book of an author I just met.  I tend to give that book a better review because I DID meet the author and I can’t seem to be overly critical of his/her work
  • I DESPISE the word “quirky” JTYMLTK (justthoughtyoumightliketoknow)
  • I take notes as I read to help me write my review. Geeky I know. People always think I am studying or something. Doesn’t help that I look like a kid.
  • No like for reals, I do not like the word “quirk” or “quirky” or any other such related words
  • I suppose, since I am so new to blogging, I have not discovered my little idiosyncrasies (better word than quirks) yet. However, I do enjoy a nice cold coca cola for sitting down and typing up my reviews. Time for one now in fact…

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s Blogging Quirks:

  • I tend to type out my reviews in Word to make sure I don’t have any silly typos or brain farts. Kinda makes sense to sound like I can read, huh?
  • I have to have it quiet when writing a book review so I can concentrate on what I’m thinking and putting it into words.
  • I think about my reviews right after I finish the book, but I don’t always get to write it down. Sometimes it feels like I forgot all the cool things I was gonna say. Maybe I need a recording device.
  • I rate every book I read on Goodreads, but I don’t always feel like posting a full-length review.
  • I save my reviews on Goodreads and schedule/draft my posts here last.
  • I love the copy a post feature. I almost never would remember how to format our posts otherwise.
  • I almost never publish immediately. Just about everything I have written is scheduled.

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Posted July 14, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 9 Comments


9 responses to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 7-Blogging Quirks

  1. Rose – I have the same problem of being one line away and losing the whole thing. Makes me want to throat punch someone. Once, I spent three days working on a list that took a lot of research. I posted it and it was deleted. To say I upset is putting it mildly. I was able to recover it in the end but I have gotten a little neurotic about the save button.

    Julie – Have you thought about copy/paste your review into goodreads? I do this along with a link to my blog if they want to read more reviews. This saves me from having to write multiple reviews.

    • Bridget- the funny thing is, I have ALWAYS been more than a “little” neurotic about the save button and I STILL manage to lose my stuff. Aaaaaack! If I had lost three days of work, like you did, I would probably still be sitting on the floor, staring at my laptop, pathetically murmuring “why why why….” I do not know if there is any recovering from that!

    • I post my review into Goodreads first, then copy into this blog. So I don’t write a full review for everything I read, but I do rate it and maybe add a quick sentence on Goodreads. I haven’t linked to this blog though, thanks for the suggestion. Makes sense for cross posted reviews.

  2. If I meet an author and I hate thier book, much of my review seems to be. I’m sorry I hated the book, but it doesn’t change the actual rating. I miss the copy a post feature from when I was on wordpress.com. There is probably a plugin for the self-hosted wordpress, but I haven’t found it (hasn’t looked that hard…looking hard right now.)

    • Lizzy, I wonder why it is that we bloggers feel the need to apologize whenever we rate a book less than favorably (especially if we have met the author face to face). The authors do not, so far as I know, feel inclined to apologize for writing a book I do not care that much for. This is something I def need to work on, – not caring what others think, but calling it like I see it (gently and with respect of course! I never try to bash someone!)