It’s Day 8 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.
What Appeals to Rose on Blogs:
- Clean, Crisp Layout.
- Good information. Ultimately this is what will keep readership!
- I really like memes. I think they are fun, so I like when a blog has a separate menu or page for the memes.
- I love looking at the background different book bloggers use for their wallpaper and border. I like to try to identify the books in the pics. And yes, if you were wondering, the wallpaper on our blog is an actual book shelf in my house.
- I like challenges hosted by bloggers, such as this one!
- I like a blog with an eye on aesthetic appeal.
- I like when bloggers make their very own book trailers, or at least when they share another’s book trailer. These are so awesome and some just blow my mind! I so wish I could do that. Learning here. Learning here.
- Pretty Book covers. I can’t help it. They get my attention every time.
- I like blogs that are easy and quick to load in my browser. If it takes forever to load a page, I am sorry, but I will probably skip it and move on. Sad but true.
- A direct link to goodreads to add the book to my shelf if I decide I would like to read it is a must for every book blog out there.
- I like reviews that include actual dialogue from the characters and direct quotes. This gives me a sneak peek at the characters themselves and I can better get a feel for the tone of the book.
- Keep it organized! If I have to search and search for where stuff is on a blog, I will lose interest.
- I like seeing comments from the blogger(s) on their own posts, responding to reader’s posts. This shows that they are interested in connecting to their readers and really, that is what it is all about, developing a community of committed readers and getting introduced to new reading material that you otherwise might not have ever heard of.
- Anything that will make the blog stand out or stand apart. I want to remember your blog and return to it frequently.
- And lastly, your blog has gotta be easy to follow. Maybe I am just dumb, but some blogs are so difficult to figure out how to follow. Make it easy for me to keep up with you!
What Appeals to Julie on Blogs:
- Easy on the eyes images and colors. Readable fonts that aren’t too crazy. Also images that load quickly.
- Images that are safe for work. Not that I don’t enjoy a good photo of a guy without his shirt, but I do want to be able to do some blog surfing and commenting during my lunch break without hoping no one walks behind me.
- Menus so I can find specific content.
- Reviews that have an obvious rating. In one quick look I want to know yay or nay.
- Goodreads links. Seriously, make it easy for us to find the book and author.
- Giveaways. Because we all love pressies.
- Author guest posts. Authors have cool personalities. They are awesome.
- Unique features. Something to give that blog character.
- Honesty and genuine posts. I want to feel like I can trust the blogger.
- Summaries of cool author events with photos.
- An easy way to subscribe to posts so I can keep up. Also easy to find follow links for other social media.
- Not too long of a sidebar. Links are good but there’s a good amount and then there’s too much.
- A theme that ties everything together. I love blogs that have a special image header for each section. Maybe someday we’ll get there.
- Well done css. I love color themes that work well together.
- Bloggers who return visits and comments. That really helps build the community.
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[…] 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 8- Blog Appeal ( […]
Julie and Rose I really like both your lists. I especially do enjoy the bookshelf background, I’m not normally a fan but the fact that yours is really a personal bookshelf…I love book covers too so definitely agree with that point.
Day 8 Book Blogger Challenge
Awesome lists ladies, totally agree with you! & yes, I’m a sucker for pretty book covers too. Unfortunately, even if I see a bad review on cute book, I have to read it 🙁
Pretty book covers, I think a lot of us bloggers are slightly ADD about this. We can be distracted by shiny, new covers. Lol!