15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 10- How Do You Choose What Books to Read Next?

Posted July 17, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 0 Comments

It’s Day 10 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Rose review avatar  How Rose Chooses What to Read Next:

I find that choosing what to read next is sooooo difficult because I have so many books I want to read and never enough time. In fact, Julie has this problem as well. click here and jump to the comments section; I calculated how long it would take Julie to read every book currently on her TBR list. It wasn’t pretty and required surgical removal of her “buy now with one click” finger.  I choose what books to read based on what I need to read for my book club. We are currently reading two series on top of the one book we read monthly. I sometimes participate in another book club that my co-blogger Julie invites me to, so then I have to read THAT book.  And of course I try to read my ARCs according to when they are set to release. And lastly, I choose a book I would like to read.  When choosing a book I would like to read, I first consider if I would like to read the book or listen to the audio. That usually requires sampling a little of the audiobook before making my final decision.  When it is all said and done, choosing a book is difficult business!

Julie Review Avatar  How Julie Chooses What to Read Next:

Most of my reading list is based on my book clubs. Next is any books I signed up to review specifically for a tour. After that, I get to pick whatever sounds good at the time, which I guess depends on my mood. I go by recommendations and rave reviews from my friends to help break a tie. It is sometimes really hard to pick the next read since I have so many purchased and unread books just waiting for me to love on them. Rose tells me I need to have my one-click-buy finger surgically removed, but it is also my trigger finger so that ain’t happenin’. Sometimes it feels like I have to break so many book hearts by making my decision, so there are times I go back and forth about which one I truly want to start next. Sometimes I have a lot of books I’m in the middle of at the same time, though I try to limit this to about 5 consecutive reads. Usually I end up starting reading the most recently purchased book. So I’m imposing a book buying ban on myself for books that are not absolutely necessary for the purchase. Except for amazon freebies. Cause, I mean, come on!

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Posted July 17, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 0 Comments
