15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 12- Fighting Blogger Fatigue

Posted July 19, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 4 Comments

It’s Day 12 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Rose review avatar  How Rose fights blogger fatigue:

I like to schedule all of my reading a month in advance. I know that sounds boring and tedious, but it seriously helps me stay focused on what I need to be reviewing on my blog.  I love to organize and reorganize and organize some more, to the point that nothing gets done, but usually everything is organized. That is, until I feel like being messy, which, ya know, happens.  I also try to schedule my blog post drafts in advance.  Having the posts drafted in advance frees up time for me to do more important things. It also serves to remind me to type my blog post already. When all is said and done,  I try to find challenges or daily memes that would be interesting and easy to participate in.  I find it interesting to read other responses and share my own.  If all else fails, I re-read a favorite book but that is not known by EVERYONE and share it via review section. Rereading a  fave book helps refresh my memory as to  why I believe books are important and why.

Julie Review Avatar  How Julie fights blogger fatigue:

Blogger fatigue is a serious issue and I have certainly felt it recently since I have signed up for so many tours! I constantly feel like I’m doing nothing but scheduling tour posts and it is exhausting when I have to do several at a time. That’s why I’m enjoying this challenge so much – it brings back the blogging to this blog 🙂

Some things I do to help fight blogger fatigue:

  • Scale back on the tours. When we first started I would sign up for just about every tour. But now that I’m signed up with a handful or more tour promo sites, I’ve been very picky about which books I select to do a tour for. I don’t sign up for many review tours since timing is an issue, but I do still do many promo posts with excerpts or guest posts. I find they have helped get our name out there, and now I can afford to scale back a bit.
  • Participate in memes and blog challenges. Thinking up replies to these types of  things is fun and a bit challenging, but in a new way. It is a nice breath of fresh air so to speak. Changing things up definitely helps liven up my bloggitude 😉
  • Read. I mean, isn’t that why I’m doing this book blog thing to begin with? Sometimes doing all  these tasks takes away from my reading time so I make sure to find time to just sit and read to recharge my batteries and then jump back into writing reviews for the awesomeness (or maybe not quite so awesomeness) that I just read.

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Posted July 19, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 4 Comments


4 responses to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 12- Fighting Blogger Fatigue

  1. these are really great ideas to combat fatigue. I don’t do many blog tours at this point but I would like to to though to grow my readers. But sometimes I feel like I bite off more than I can chew and get overwhelmed by everything I want to do, haven’t done and don’t have time to do. i agree with Rose on scheduling my reading so I stay on track. I’ve been blogging lately more than reading lately and really need to finish Devil in the White City before my book club meeting next week!