Feature and Follow Friday – July 19, 2013

Posted July 19, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 2 Comments


Feature for July 19, 2013 – Book Vacay: Where is the best destination reading spot for you? (Where do you like to go to read other then your home)

Rose review avatar  Rose:

I know this will more than likely sound super lame, but I love to read at the library.  It is peaceful. I will never run into anyone I do not wish to see. Everyone is quiet. No one looks at me like I am a weirdo for reading forever and a day on a perfectly sunny afternoon and best yet, if I finish the book I am currently on, I can easily find another. I always have like this ideal image of me reading out in the horse pasture beside the pond with my horse and it sounds nice, sure… the sound of the horses contentedly chomping grass. The sun sparkling across the glassy surface of the pond.  The sweet scent of fresh cut hey. Picturesque, no?   No. The reality is manure, flies, bees buzzing by my head (I am terrified of flying stinging incents… I swear! They are like living vaccines/syringes just flying around stinging you at random and for no benefit) all the while avoiding getting slobbered on or kicked by a horse.  Yeah, I will stick to reading INDOORS!

Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

Reading next to the pool or the ocean is the best! I love to get comfortable and toasty warm and just read while listening to the sounds of water. Unfortunately, I don’t do this very often. The community pool is too crowded with screaming kids and the beach is like 70 miles away. I also like to read out in the backyard when the weather is nice (which, in Houston, is like 2 or 3 months out of the year lol).

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Posted July 19, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 2 Comments


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