15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 14- Deal Breakers

Posted July 21, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 2 Comments

It’s Day 14 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Rose review avatar  Rose’s Deal Breakers:

The number one deal breaker for me is messing with my HEA.  Yes, I am looking at you, Jessica Sorensen. Just don’t do this. I can deal with heartache and heart break and tragedy and sadness, but not what Jessica Sorensen did to me.  I bet you wanna check out what I am talking about, huh? I suppose I will save you the trouble and just put the link HERE. Now aside from that, deal breakers for me include bad, like really really bad, editing in an e-book and having boring, predictable flat characters.  I also don’t like it when the author rushes through the book or does not give the character enough time to naturally grow. Another deal breaker: instalust mistaken for love. Yuck.

Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s Deal Breakers:

I think this is a really good topic to talk about since many of us are picky about what we read since free time isn’t easy to come by. I’m gonna make a list of my bookish deal breakers or at least let downs in books I read:

  • No plot.  Plot is very important to me. Things need to happen in the book. Characters shouldn’t just talk about stuff, they should actually go out and do something. I like to see things change and develop and there should be excitement! Running around from place to place doesn’t count as plot development for me. There needs to be actual story development where each piece is necessary for the story line. If I can pull out a chunk of the story and not really miss much, then it doesn’t count as plot development.
  • Flat characters. Characters need to be believable and true, which means they need to grow, to learn, to develop.
  • Instalove. I don’t believe in love at first sight, and I don’t think a good character in a well-developed story does either. Attraction is a different story, but true feelings need time to grow.
  • Bad editing. I absolutely cannot stand bad editing in a book I had to pay for. This happens too much these days with it being so easy to e-publish your own book. But seriously, pay for an editor. Your readers will thank you.

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Posted July 21, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 2 Comments


2 responses to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 14- Deal Breakers

  1. love triangles drive me nuts! There is only one book that I actually was INTRIGUED by the love triangle and that was Rebecca Donovan’s Breathe Series. Now THAT author can write a love triangle!!!!

  2. I completely agree. I hate when authors add in instalove. Love triangles can be bad enough, but instalove? Ugh. And editing is super important to me, which is why it’s so hard for me to get through certain books. The amount of errors I see makes me sad.