15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 15- Who Are Your Book Blogging Mentors?

Posted July 22, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 1 Comment

It’s Day 15 of  the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, started up by Good Books and Good Wine.


Rose review avatar  Rose’s Blogger Mentors:

I really do not have a blogging “mentor.”  Perhaps I should have one? I have certain blogs that I read and take note of the way they handle things and try to model myself (and this blog) after them. Those blogs are:

  • A Bookish Escape– this is the blog that first got my interest in blogs. I met one of the blog authors this past January at a book signing.
  • The Boyfriend Bookmark– I love the books this blog recommends and am constantly added titles they suggest or review to my TBR shelf.  I like their blog premise: because boys in books are better. AMEN!

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s Blogger Mentors:

 I think the word “mentors” implies a relationship between the “mentor” an the “mentee”. If that is the case, then no I don’t have an official mentor. However, there are a couple of blogs I follow that have special features with amazing blogger advice. I consider those my unofficial “mentors” and I definitely learn a lot from them.

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Posted July 22, 2013 by Rose C. in 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge / 1 Comment


One response to “15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 15- Who Are Your Book Blogging Mentors?

  1. I’m fans of the blogs you listed, so I can see why they were chosen. <3 ya too. I'm kind of sad to see the challenge end, since it was so fun checking everyone's responses. I still have to post my last 2 days. 🙁