Blogger Book Fair: Megan S. Johnston Guest Post

Posted July 24, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours, Giveaways / 0 Comments

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Please welcome Megan S. Johnston to Chapter Break as part of the Blogger Book Fair!

Guest Post: Top ten tips for new and aspiring writers

By Author, Megan S. Johnston

These are my top ten tips for new writers, if you want to be taken seriously.

# 1:      Be who you really are ~ in other words, be yourself. It is essential to never copy or imitate another’s work. You will eventually find you own style and voice.

# 2:      Know your subject matter ~ whether you are writing non-fiction or fiction, you have to know what you are writing about. If you are not a specialist in the field, you have to research your subject matter prior to publishing. You want your subject to be believable, something the reader can connect with. You don’t want readers losing interest, or pointing out that your work lacks research.

#3:       Write, write, write ~ you have to set time every day to write, weather in the morning, afternoon or evening.  It can be anything from your grocery list to mapping out your characters. It’s wise to keep a notebook always handy; you never know when the creative juices will start flowing. Make sure to write them down when it’s fresh in your mind. When listening to other people’s stories, pay attention to how others react. Write down the most interesting parts and the reaction. Then analyze it.

#4:       Read, read, read ~  read what you want to write about. If you want to write murder mysteries, then that’s what you should be reading. It will not only help you with your craft of writing, but will show you the market trends for your genre.

#5:       Believe in yourself ~ always tell people you are a writer, not that you want to be a writer. It tells the world who you are, not what you want to be.

#6        Join a writers group ~ you are not alone in your struggle to be heard. Discussing your work in a group can help you work through some of the creative problems you may have. By sharing your work with other writers and helping them critique their work, you will help not only yourself, but contribute to the group. This will also help you grow a tougher skin. Listen to what works for others in your group, what works for them may not necessarily work for you, but it’s good advice. There will always be readers who do not like your work, but there are many others who will.

#7        Learn the rules ~ remember the rule “show, don’t tell”? This is one of the most important rules by far. There are other rules you have to follow too, such as, brushing up on your grammar and punctuation. If you need help in this area, there are some free grammar helpers online.

Here are a few you can check out:

  • Free Grammar Corrector
  • Paper Rater
  • And a favorite of mine: 5 Free Grammar Checkers for Bloggers and Writers

#8        Trust your readers ~ your readers and critique partners will lead you in the direction of your own unique voice. When you feel the need to write a different way, do it. Being your own self is the best practice.

#9        Experiment ~ read different genres, everything from fiction to non-fiction to poetry. You could even try writing a memoir. You never know what will strike your fancy. Maybe you’re a poet, and didn’t know it! Some writers like short stories to large novels. Experiment with a few you like, you never know where it may take you.

#10       Listen and take a chance  ~ when you finish with your work, and your readers tell you it’s good, send it out. The only way you’ll be published is to take a chance. Do research and find publications that print work similar to yours. Send it to them. Keep sending.


Never give up ~ giving up should never be part of your vocabulary. Weather you decide to self-publish or go with a literary agency, don’t let rejection stop you from doing what you love. Don’t worry if you receive rejection letters, some of the greatest authors out there were rejected prior to being published. Keep submitting your work.

Thanks for the great tips Megan!  Now, check out her novel below 🙂

transitioncoverTitle: Transition, The Chimera Hunter Series
Author: Megan S. Johnston
Published: June 20, 2013

SynopsisThe Chimera a race so old, the humans relegated them as a myth. The Gods feared their powers; they believed they were a deadly race, with physical abilities beyond belief. So, they split their race in half condemning them to wander the earth, searching for their other half to be complete. Without their sodalis, each was destined to live life without dreams, without love, without hope. The future rested on finding their one true mate for life.

SHELBY O’NEIL has led a solitary life with her parents. So when she goes to school at Washington State University, she believes her life has just begun. Now in her second year, the dreams begin. She dreams with the same man, night after night for months. When her dream world becomes her reality, and her life becomes a danger zone, she quickly learns to trust the one man who has thrown her into this new and dangerous world.

DEVELON COLE is Chimera and his race has been on earth as long as humans. His people are desperate to find their one true mate for life, and Develon has just found his, in the small college town of Pullman Washington. His goal is to protect her against the hunter’s and guide her into who she was always destined to be, his sodalis, his mate.

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About the Author:

Megan S. Johnston is a freelance writer and entrepreneur living in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to writing fiction, she runs several family-owned and operated businesses, which she started over twenty years ago. She is an avid reader of paranormal romance and a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association.  She has four children and seven grandchildren and lives with her husband and two dogs in Woodinville, Washington. Transition is her début novel.

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Posted July 24, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours, Giveaways / 0 Comments
