Blogger Book Fair: Juli Caldwell Guest Post

Posted July 26, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 0 Comments

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Please welcome Julie Caldwell to Chapter Break as part of the Blogger Book Fair!

Guest Post: Top Ten Quick Quotes from Psyched:

1. Aisi sat up impatiently and glowered at the figure before her. The shadow of a person bore the faintest trace of bobby socks, saddle shoes, and poodle skirt in her translucent, luminous form.

Aisi snorted derisively. “You’re dead, okay? And from the looks of your outfit, I’d say you’ve been gone about sixty years. I would gouge my eyes out before I’d wear something like that.”

2. ‘Go toward the light’ was cliché, but effective.

 3. Her hands shaking, she turned page after page to get the message the demon had left for her in blood: Vos tendo non vereor mihi iam, tamen vos mos. Ego sum vigilo vos.

You may not fear me now, but you will. I am watching you.

 4. “I am all soul, but, unfortunately, until recently I lacked a body. Do you like what you see? Am I…oh, what do you kids say these days…am I hot?”

 5. “You have an entire language at your command and a whole slew of wicked name choices, and you choose Evil Genius? That’s pretty weak.”

6. “You know what I think, Aisi Turay?” Vance finished wiping the counter with a flourish before tossing the rag with perfect basketball player form through the window separating the kitchen and dining areas. It flew right to the sink against the back wall and wrapped itself around the base of the faucet. He turned back to her, gray eyes boring into hers.

“No clue,” she lied. She knew exactly what he thought.

“I think if you’re not psychic, your father must be.”

7. A low voice pulsed through the clearing and shook every inch of her. “You think you can deny me what will be mine? You may have delayed me, brother, but you cannot win. I reign with malice and terror over my kingdom, and I will not be denied because you were foolish enough to develop a conscience.”

8. Sometimes the truth is hard to stomach even when you want to know it.

9. The hideous creature moved to step aside, and she took a quick stride away before he stopped her. “Tuo meus,” he growled. The black shadows all around suddenly attacked. She shrieked in fear and pain as she fell, and the shadows engulfed her.

You are mine, Aisi repeated in her head as she watched helplessly.

10. “Love what you’ve done with the place,” Aisi called, her voice resonating hollowly through the cavern before fading out, drowned by the steaming sizzle of acid leeching from the rocks and the bubble of boiling lava.

Now, check out her novel below 🙂

Title: Psyched

Author: Juli Caldwell

Synopsis: Psyched is part ghost story, part suspense, part demon-hunting thriller, part budding romance.

It’s the story of a girl named Aisi who’s doing her best to keep it together for her wreck of a family. She is smart, sassy, and sarcastic enough to keep things interesting. When she meets Vance on the single worst day of her life, she finds a guy who just might be the first person ever to get her, to believe in her, and to out-random her with bizarre observations at the worst possible moment. There’s just something about him that she knows she can trust.

Together, Aisi and Vance wander through the memories of others to unlock the secrets of her past while battling a demon who wants to ensure she never finds what she’s looking for. Aisi vanquishes demons all the time, but Malus Indolus is too strong. And he has plans for her…and her family.

Cover Art by Morteque

You can find it on Amazon, Smashwords, and in paperback at CreateSpace!

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Psyched is Juli’s second novel, the first as an indie writer, and her first experiment with her true love as a reader: paranormal fiction. Her debut novel Beyond Perfection is also available.

You can find Juli on Twitter, Facebook,  and her blog.

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Posted July 26, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 0 Comments
