Feature and Follow Friday – July 26, 2013

Posted July 26, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 3 Comments


Feature for July 26, 2013 – What do you do with your books after you are done reading them?

Rose review avatar  Rose:

Shhhhhh! We must not speak of such things out in the open where they  can hear.  <looking around suspiciously> I have a stack, you see. I mean, we all do really. In the closet of my library, that’s where I keep mine.  <drop to exaggerated stage whisper>  I stack books there for <one glance directed cautiously over left shoulder> future selling.  Yeah you heard me right. I sell my books back to bargain books sellers and use the proceeds from selling back unwanted (or one time-read-only books, sorry bad PR) to purchase NEW books. It is an insane and vicious cycle. 

Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

I suppose it depends on the type of book. For Kindle books, obviously they’re here to stay on my kindle device or at least on my amazon account. For audiobooks from my audiobooks.com account, they get replaced when I stream the next book. Library books obviously go back to their library home. For physical purchased books, this is where the question can be answered in more detail. Typically, I keep the books I buy. They go on my bookshelf and sit there with their neighbors permanently. Sometimes though if I really didn’t care for a book and just don’t want to keep it, I’ll try to release it back into the wild. I will try to sell it on half.com or trade it on PaperBackSwap.com for credits to get other books for free.

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Posted July 26, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 3 Comments


3 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday – July 26, 2013

  1. Hello! New follower. I look forward to your future posts! http://bookcovereviews.blogspot.com

    eBooks: I archive. I only delete if they are free or if I really disliked them
    Physical: Overflow on my bookshelf, which is unfortunately in my closet. I dream of the day when I can have my own library in my house. Until then, I save my books so that I can create said library 😉

    On some occasions I will give books to the library or local schools.

  2. Hopping through. Love the implication that books can hear. I do similar things with my old car. I’d be careful about talking about buying a new car while I was driving because I didn’t want Louie (my car’s name) to have his feelings hurt.
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