Feature and Follow Friday – Aug 9, 2013

Posted August 9, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 5 Comments


Feature for Aug 9, 2013 – Back to school. Create a reading list for the imaginary English Lit class you’ll be teaching this semester.

Rose review avatar  Rose:  
Okay, so I am never sure how to determine if a book is school appropriate or not, but here are a few that I would teach in my imaginary class:

the-fault-in-our-stars-book-cover parttimeindian-jacketpb stolen 13-reasons-why-book-cover Bruiser tile Perksofbeingwallflower1

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

Stolen: A Letter To My Captor by Lucy Christoper

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Brusier by Neal Shusterman

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

So, I’m guessing the books that would fit this topic are in the “literary fiction” category but books that are more current, yet similar in the types of topics I read in high school English classes. So here’s a list of some of the books that would be read in my imaginary class.

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Posted August 9, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday – Aug 9, 2013

  1. Kat

    Fun list – Perks of Being a Wallflower is showing up on so many lists – really need to read it, soon! New Bloglovin follower!