The Beat the Heat Read-a-thon ran from July 29th through August 18th (it was originally August 11th but they extended it!). It was organized by Auntie Spinelli Reads or Phantasmic Reads. Here is our wrap-up post to show how we did. Did we read all the books we planned to read? Did we read more? Did we end up reading different books than we planned? What was our total page count? See below.
Julie’s Read-A-Thon:
Planned reads and completion status:
- Inferno by Dan Brown [Completed 8/18/13. Hardback, approximately 480 pages]
- City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare [Completed 8/6/13. Paperback, approximately 550 pages]
- Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (Necromancer, #1) by Lish McBride [Completed 8/9/13. ebook. Approximately 350 pages]
- Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler [Completed 8/2/13. Audio. Approximately 13.5 hours listened]
- Elysian Fields (Sentinels of New Orleans, #3) by Suzanne Johnson [Didn’t read during this time]
- The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa [Didn’t read during this time]
- Shattered Souls (Souls, #1) by Mary Lindsey [Completed 8/12/13. Paperback, approximately 325 pages]
UNplanned reads and completion status:
- Losing It by Cora Carmack [Completed 8/7/13. Audio. Approximately 6 hours listened]
- Faking It by Cora Carmack [Completed 8/10/13. Audio. Approximately 7.5 hours listened]
- What Really Happened in Peru by Cassandra Clare [Completed 8/8/13. ebook. Approximately 100 pages]
- Stitch by Samantha Durante [Started but not yet completed.]
Total page count of completed books: 1805 pages
Total hours listened of completed books: 27 hours
Total books read: 8
Rose’s Read-A-Thon:
Planned reads and completion status:
Reason To Breatheby Rebecca Donovan [completed 8/2/13. audio. approx. 14 hrs audio]Dead Until Darkby Charlaine Harris [completed 8/19/2013. paperback. approx 256 pages]Love Exactlyby Cassandra Giovanni [completed 8/7/13. e-book. approx. 311 pages]Losing Itby Cora Carmack [completed 8/8/13. e-book. approx. 204 pages]Barely Breathingby Rebecca Donovan [completed 8/19/2013. Audio. aprox. 16 hrs audio]- Living Dead In Dallas by Charlaine Harris
Realby Katy Evans [completed 8/11/13. e-book. approx. 266 pages]Faking Itby Cora Carmack [completed 8/15/2013. e-book. approx 304 pages]
UNplanned reads and completion status:
Losing Hopeby Colleen Hoover [completed 8/19/2013. e-book. approx. 336 pages]Eyes Ever To the Skyby Katie French [completed 8/18/2013. e-book. approx 192 pages]
Total page count of completed books: 1869 pgs
Total hours listened of completed books: 30 hrs
Total books read: 9
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