Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.
Rose’s Quote:
“So I don’t want you to feel pressured. Or overpowered. But I do, absolutely, want to kiss you right now. Badly.”
–Lucas to Jacqueline
(Easy by: Tammara Webber)
I do have to say that Lucas is one of my all time favorite book boyfriends. This is a quote he says to Jacqueline right after sketching her and telling her he is not like “that” guy. I like self aware Lucas is and how careful he is with Jacqueline.
Julie’s Quote:
“I know sometimes it feels like the world has ended – and, I guess, in a lot of ways for us, it has. But I want this ring to always remind you that its not over. I thought my world was over once, Alessa, until I found you. You drew me back from that ledge, you gave me a reason to go on – and then at some point I finally realized that we were actually just at the beginning.” . . .
“I’ll never stop making a new world for you, Less, no matter how bad it gets,” Isaac whispered. “It will never be over for us. Remember that, okay?”
–Isaac to Alessa
(Shudder by: Samantha Durante)
Note: the quote is from an ARC, so the actual text in the published version may vary.
This book has so many feels. Isaac is just awesome. Click the book title to see my review.
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Yes! Lucas is so…dreamy. <3 I loved Easy. I still need to read Shudder, Isaac sounds marvelous too!
I will share my quote here since I don't have a blog of my own, it's from a book I recently read and loved called "Awakening Foster Kelly" by Cara Rosalie Olsen. It's very good!
"I feel like I'm trying to convince a rainbow she's not a rock, but she's stubbornly determined to believe she's a rock. You have absolutely no idea how special you are-how rare. It's ah-" He groaned again, reaching up in his scalp with his free hand. "All I want to do is be with you, Foster."
-Dominic to Foster
That guy stole a huge piece of my heart, always saying or doing beautiful things for Foster. I fell in love and now I can't stop thinking about him. 🙂
I have not heard of this book. Thanks for sharing! Heading over to goodreads now to check out this book.
Lucas. *Le sigh.
Love the quotes, never read the book 🙂
This reminds me that I need to read Easy.
You haven’t read it yet? Jealous! I would love to get to read Easy again for the first time. Great book.
Ahhhh. Lucas. <3