Feature and Follow Friday – Sept 20, 2013

Posted September 20, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 11 Comments


Feature for Sept 20, 2013 –  What were some of your favorite picture books as a kid? If you have kids, what are your favorites to read to them?

Rose review avatar  Rose:

If_you_Give_a_Mouse_a_Cookie 20110120-The-Tiny-Seed-e1339091977787 Where_The_Wild_Things_Are_(book)_cover 6540911-M

If you Give A Mouse A Cookie, The Tiny Seed, Where The Wild Things Are, The Monkey and the CrocodileThe Monkey and the Crocodile was one of my all time favorites. My grandma used to read it to me every night before bed.  Sometimes she even fell asleep reading it to me. I chose this book for show and tell in first grade and we were required to read to the class. This book is more than a 1st grade level (or more than my level at 1st grade!) and I got in trouble for “pretending” to read.  I had the book memorized, but I am guessing the teacher could tell I was not reading.

Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

I have very vague memories from childhood, but I do remember Peter Rabbit and the Berenstain Bears. I found this cool site with the list of top 100 children’s books. I would probably pick some of those to read to any future kids.

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Posted September 20, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 11 Comments


11 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday – Sept 20, 2013

  1. I so dislike teachers who chastise children for having a strong interest in reading! Whether you were actually reading or not, she should’ve celebrated your passion! I remember being in fifth grade & participating in a contest where the kid who read the most pages won something from the teacher. I put down that I’d read a Sweet Valley University book (clearly not appropriate for my age, haha. And definitely not literary, but read it I did!) and he told me that there was “no way” I’d read it and he accused me of lying. What a jerk, right?!

    On a more positive note, that was a really sweet story about your grandma. I remember asking my grandma to read me my science homework in high school once and she, god bless her, complied. She read the word “organism” aloud as “orgasm” and we laughed so hard. Haha! I haven’t thought about that for years! Not quite as sweet but still such a happy memory! Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

    Here’s my FF, if you feel like checking it out:

  2. haha Rose, I like your story! That’s a great memory to have with your grandma. Old follower – Tina @ Pages of Comfort

  3. OMG! I admire your guts, Rose! I could have never pull that off. xD I haven’t heard about any of these books, ladies, but their covers surely look interesting. Whew!

    Appreciate the link to 100 childrens’ books. Not for my kids but for me. I am still a child at heart.

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog, Julie and Rose! Old follower. 😀

  4. Eric Carle! I still have my book report from 1st grade about him. My favorite story was The Very Busy Spider, which is ironic because I’m deathly afraid of spiders. Hmm..