Feature and Follow Friday – Sept 27, 2013

Posted September 27, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 11 Comments


Feature for Sept 27, 2013 –  Activity! Reading Nook Tour: Give us a tour of your favorite reading spots.

Rose review avatar  Rose:

196824_10151166416635925_993665030_n (2)okay so my fave reading spots are the usual… in the bath, in bed, at work, in the car, on the couch, on the sofa in my library…. But I really wish I had better reading spots… like wouldn’t it be cool to read a book under the tree that overhangs the pond at the horse barn with my horse, Kissy quietly grazing nearby? Yeah I thought so too! However, the reality is bird poop, humidity, sweaty skin with damp grass and bugs. Lots of bugs. And the ground is hard. who knew.  I would also love to read while sunning myself on the new wooden deck my boyfriend built for our back yard. Doesn’t THAT sound nice? Yeah, but the reality is me running around being chased by a giant red wasp, whom despite my having dubbed “Mr. Willowbee”, is still super scary and determined to sting! Sting! Sting! I am lucky to have a brave Doberman puppy, Mr. Maddox to my rescue.  He tried to eat the wasp and got stung no less than three times protecting me. (or attempting to play with Mr. Willowbee, whom does NOT seem to appreciated the pun that is his name.) So what other spots would I LIKE to read at? Well, my sixth grade English teacher once took a month long vacation to go to Wyoming to read. Like that was it. Just read. I could deal with a  vacation like that! I would like to go to….umm….. Oregon, just to read. Like nothing else. Until then, my library will have to do.


Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

I have a lot of usual reading spots, including:

  • the car (audio, of course)
  • work (I read ebooks on my lunch break)
  • in bed (before going to sleep, best relaxation technique ever)
  • on the couch/recliner covered in one or more of my pets

So I’m not going to take photos of my car, my desk at work, or my bed (cause, um, creepy?) but here’s a photo of my recliner.


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Posted September 27, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 11 Comments


11 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday – Sept 27, 2013

  1. Hi there, ladies.

    Your reading corners all look lovely. I swear, they’re so lovely and comfy that I am afraid I would never get any reading done because I’ll be busy sleeping.


    I am laughing at what you said. I can’t stop myself from imagining the same situation. Our house is surrounded by a thicket of trees. And just thinking about reading under a tree makes want to run inside for fear of getting not only ants on my body but snakes as well. Eugh.

    Old follower!

  2. My favorite reading spot would be ANYWHERE there is no one to walk in the room and talk to me as if I am not doing anything. Why is it, when someone is reading I only interrupt if the house is on fire or the basement is flooded or some other such urgent matter needs attention, but no one extends that same curtesy to me? I don’t care what other comforts are in my reading spot, just let me read.