October 2013 Read-a-Thons Challenges

Posted September 30, 2013 by Julie S. in Challenges, Read-a-Thon / 1 Comment

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s October Read-A-Thon Challenges:

October is an exciting month because of HALLOWEEN! YES! So since I’m already planning on enjoying some spooky reads (and since paranormal is my genre of choice anyway) I figured I’d join in with some fun Read-a-Thon Challenges and interact with others enjoying some good spooky or creature-filled books.

I figured since I’m doing several that run during the same time frame that I would just do one intro post for them all. Hope no one minds too much. I just thought having so many individual posts would be a bit overkill. I’m going to list the challenges that only run for one week first, then then I will list the challenges that go all month. Should I end up finding another fun challenge to participate in this month, I will just update this post with the intro details.

I will not be listing specific books I hope to read in the intro post (since things change anyway) so I will only be posting the list of books I end up reading as part of these challenges when I do the wrap up post. 🙂

Challenge #1: Fright Fall hosted by Seasons Reading

frightfall 2013

This challenge runs for 1 week only (Sept 30 – Oct 6, 2013).  To participate you have to read at least one spooky book.  I think I’ll have more than one lol. The twitter hashtag for this challenge is #FrightFall. 

Challenge #2: Fraterfest read-a-thon hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer


For this challenge, we read books by Rhiannon Frater. Or apparently any Halloween themed read will do, but I have 4 books (I full and 3 novellas) I plan to read during this time that are by Rhiannon Frater. It runs for one week and we can tweet using the hashtag #Fraterfest.

Challenge #3: Spooktacular Paranormal Reading Challenge hosted by Ramblings of a DayDreamer 


This lovely challenge runs all month long! To participate, you have to read and review at least one paranormal book. Again, I definitely expect to get more than 1 read all month long 🙂 We have to link up our reviews, and they have to be new reviews published during the month of October 2013. The twitter hashtag for this challenge is #SPRC.

Challenge #4:  Handfull of Horror for Halloween hosted by the Book BFFs group on Goodreads


For this challenge you set up a separate Goodreads shelf and challenge yourself to read a certain number of books this October. I challenged myself to read 7 books  (since I have at least 7 specific list of books I plan to read this month) and then you mark the books on that shelf “read” to have it count for the challenge. Here is the link to my challenge.

Challenge #5: Bloggers Dressed in Blood hosted by Midnight Book GirlFake Steph, and Mercurial Musings.


For Bloggers Dressed in Blood we link up any scary themed posts, do challenges, and can win some awesome prizes just for participating.

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Posted September 30, 2013 by Julie S. in Challenges, Read-a-Thon / 1 Comment


One response to “October 2013 Read-a-Thons Challenges

  1. Welcome, Julie! So glad you’re joining us for the read-a-thon. Sounds like you have some good scary reads lined up. Have fun with all your spooky reading this month too. 🙂