#FrightFall and #FraterFest Read-a-Thon Challenges Wrap Up Post

Posted October 8, 2013 by Julie S. in Challenges, Read-a-Thon / 1 Comment

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s Challenge Wrap Up:

Since these two challenges overlapped in schedule, I didn’t see the need to post two different wrap up posts. The list of books would be the same since I finished these books during both of these challenges. So here is my wrap up post for both of these challenges that ran during the first week of October.

Challenge #1: Fright Fall hosted by Seasons Reading

frightfall 2013

#FrightFall challenge ran from Sept 30 – Oct 6, 2013.

Challenge #2: Fraterfest read-a-thon hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer


#Fraterfest challenge ran from October 3 – October 8, 2013.

Both of these challenges had to do with spooky books. Here are the spooky books I finished during the first week of October:

I had hoped to read all 3 of the Untold Tales volumes but somehow this weekend got away from me. Still, not bad to complete 3 books in a week since I’m in the middle of several other books right now as well.



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Posted October 8, 2013 by Julie S. in Challenges, Read-a-Thon / 1 Comment


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