Feature and Follow Friday – Oct 18, 2013

Posted October 18, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 5 Comments


Feature for Oct 18, 2013 –  Question! What are some of your favorite magazines?

Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

Hmmm I don’t really read magazines anymore. When I was younger I would read stuff like Teen, Seventeen, and YM. I also read Cosmo for a bit. But I don’t have any subscriptions to magazines and only read specific articles online if I’m interested in a magazine’s topic.

Rose review avatar  Rose:

I do not read magazines. Unless you count the ones in the check out lane at HEB. I read those. Well the headlines of course. Then I feel so glad that I am neither famous nor wealthy because every tabloid out there would make it their business to print photos of me at my worst… (which let’s face it, even Jessica Alba’s worst would be my best any day.) sigh. So no, magazines are not my cup of tea. I will sometimes buy them if they feature a movie I am excited about. I got one on Twilight and one on The Host and even one on The Hunger Games. But I do not read magazines. 


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Posted October 18, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday – Oct 18, 2013

  1. In my early twenties I was inhaling Cosmo. Somewhere on my way to 25 my magazine habit got lost in the shuffle. I tried getting back into it when the digital editions came out. But I felt it kept me from reading and so I cancelled my subscription.

    Cheers, Katarina 🙂

    PS. I’m actually already email subscribed to your blog, but still wanted to stop by and say hi. I’ll be doing that more often from now on #FF