Feature and Follow Friday – Oct 25, 2013

Posted October 25, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 4 Comments


Feature for Oct 25, 2013 – Activity. Bookagram: Photograph your fave read in a funny place.

Julie Review Avatar  Julie:

I don’t have a fave read (seriously, who asks that of a booknerd??) but I photographed my dog pretending to read my kindle. That’s Dixie holding the kindle, and Diesel hiding behind her. He’s terribly camera shy.


Rose review avatar  Rose:

.Okay, so my pic isn’t all that funny as it is interesting? unplanned? My pic is from 3 years ago. My cousin came to visit from Pennsylvania and we went to the beach and obviously laid out, right? Right. Great.  I never realized my pic was photobombed by OUTLANDER! my all time fave book ever! What makes this even better is that it wasn’t my book nor was I reading it at the time. Since that IS my cousin’s towel, I ask myself, How did I miss this? 



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Posted October 25, 2013 by Julie S. in Feature and Follow Friday, Memes / 4 Comments


4 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday – Oct 25, 2013

  1. Hmmmn! I think my first comment went directly to you spam box. I swear I just left a comment and I can’t see it. T_T

    Anyway, just to be safe, I will just have to repeat myself. Dixie and Diesel (even if I don’t see him clearly) are totally cute. I didn’t know that you’re a dog lover, Julie. Tehee. And they’re very disciplined since they behaved when you photographed them. Mine don’t do that. If anything, they will attempt to bite my phone which I use to take their photos.

    And Rose, that pic is AWESOME! If I am a man, I would certainly get attracted. Weee!
    Charlotte recently posted…Feature Follow Bloghop {12}

  2. Dixie and Diesel (even if I do not see him clearly) are really cute, Julie. I didn’t know that you’re a dog lover. xD Very disciplined dogs seeing that they behaved when being photographed. My 4 dogs never do that. If anything, they will jump and will attempt to bite my phone which I use to take photos.

    And Rose, that pic is AWESOME! If I am man, I would seriously get attracted. Hahahaha!
    Charlotte recently posted…Feature Follow Bloghop {12}