Julie’s November Challenges:
For the month of November I found some great challenges to help me with my ARC collection. So here we go 🙂
Challenge #1. Clean out your E-reader (COYER) Challenge hosted by Fantasy is More Fun and Because Reading is better than real life.
This challenge is to help us be motivated to go through some of those freebies we’ve purchased or those Netgalley arcs for review that have piled up.
So let’s face it, I *know* I have more freebie purchases on my kindle than purchases of books that cost something and that I planned to read soonish. In fact, I have a Goodreads shelf for “2013-to-read-list” that has turned into “2013-2014-to-read-list” and finally to “soon-to-read-list” for all the books I purchased on sale and really should read soon. I haven’t even been tracking the freebie purchases. They are not high on my priority list unfortunately. The highest priority “free” books on my kindle are my e-ARCs (from places like Netgalley and Edelweiss). I plan to use this challenge to help me catch up on some of these ARCs, since I promised myself I will work on reducing my e-Arc “pile” (and thus improve my Negalley stats) I figured this challenge is a good way to do that.
My goal for this challenge is: 4 books (one per week)
That puts me in the category of: Lightly Clean – 1 to 5 E-books
Challenge #2. Netgalley November hosted by A Day Dreamer’s Thoughts and co-hosted by K Books and Bookish Treasures.
The idea is to read as many Netgalley books that month as possible. This challenge is especially awesome for me since that is what I was planning on using the COYER challenge to do 🙂 So my goal will be the same as above.
Easy: 1-4
Alright so I decided since I have 8 books already planned to read with my book clubs and my read-a-longs, I’ll squeeze in a Netgalley book each week – so I picked 4 books. It will be cool if I get more than that, but we’ll see.
Here are the books currently on my plan to read for these challenges:
- Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion, #1) by Aimee Carter
- The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden, #2) by Julie Kagawa
- Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen, #1) by Lisa Renee Jones
- Gated by Amy Christine Parker
My lovely co-blogger will be sitting these out since she is participating in a different exciting activity this month.
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The eternity cure is a great book and I hope that you enjoy reading it! Good luck on your goal – I hope you manage to reach it!
Thanks for joining the event.
Faye 🙂
Woohoo! We have the same goal of one book a week. That’s totally doable! Freebies are usually low on my priority list too – I have an obsession with collecting them but rarely actually read them. Oops! Let me know if you need me to provide some cheerleading for you lol 😉
I’ve been interested in the Blood of Eden books, so I can’t wait for that review especially. Great list – good luck with both challenges 🙂
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I did this a few months back, and it feels so good to power through some ebooks and clear them off your ereader. Best of luck!
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