Feature for Nov 1, 2013 – Question: What book are you embarrassed to admit you LOVED? (try to think beyond Twilight)
I’m having a really hard time with this question since I don’t really get embarrassed over what I read, especially if I enjoy it. Usually, I won’t read stuff that would embarrass me to talk about. The only book series that really comes to mind is the Fifty Shades trilogy, and while I enjoyed the story, I can’t say I *loved* it. I won’t necessarily bring it up, but if someone asks if I’ve read it, I’ll talk about it. It was a fun series to discuss (and make fun of) with others, and that is why I read it. One of my book clubs read the first book, and since it ends in a cliffie and my friends were reading them, I read the others as well. In that book club where we discussed the first book, one of the members created a drinking game that was just hilarious! It really brought light to how repetitive and silly it was.
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I agree! I’ve Fifty shades of Grey on my shelf but haven’t read it yet.
New follower via bloglovin’. 🙂
Here’s My FF.
Old follower. I don’t get embarrassed by any of the books I love either! My FFF.
Reviews From A Bookworm recently posted…Feature & Follow Friday #4
Hopping through. 50 Shades would’ve been a good answer for me too but I couldn’t finish it. I tried – twice.
Alison (@AlisonCanRead) recently posted…Feature and Follow Friday #173
Haha, Fifty shades was also my answer. I generally dont discuss it, but I’ll grudgingly admit that it was pretty good. I didn’t finish the series though. Great answer!
Old Bloglovin follower 🙂
Amanda @ i solemnly swear
Amanda recently posted…Feature & Follow Friday – Guilty Pleasures