TrinDee’s #HoustonBookRave was a blast!

Posted November 4, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances / 1 Comment


Saturday I attended the #HoustonBookRave, and it was a blast! Seriously, it was probably the best book signing I’ve attended. Props to Trini and Damaris! I signed up to help with the event so I got to blog about it and also wear a nifty staff badge 🙂 There were a lot of people helping out so the event moved smoothly and each of us on staff were still able to enjoy the activities. I think what I enjoyed the most was the way the whole day was organized. There were party rooms for YA authors in the morning and NA/Adult authors in the afternoon. There were a lot of authors so they had about a handful of authors per room. There was plenty of time to go from room to room and get to chat up your favorite authors, meet new authors, take photos, get swag, and get your fangirl on. There were also two different signing times – YA in the morning and NA/Adult in the afternoon right after the party room times. That helped to keep the signing lines from getting too long and gave people plenty of time to get their autographs. Also, being on staff meant the staff got to interact with authors as they arrived and had a special staff room to take breaks in and store our loot (because carrying all that around is exhausting). I saw a lot of totes on wheels and even a suitcase! There was also a booth for promoting the Catching Fire movie, so they were giving out posters to everyone and T-shirts if you answer a trivia question correctly.  Below are all the photos I took or had taken at the event. I didn’t get a photo with everyone obviously but I did get one with most of the authors I already knew or talked with quite a bit.

My haul!

HBRwRachelVincentI fangirled over Rachel Vincent. I love her Soul Screamers series so much! I actually bought all 3 omnibus editions of that series, and had her sign it along with my copy of the final book.
 HRBwMirandaKavi&AndreaHeltsleyWith Miranda Kavi and Andrea Heltsley
HRBwCCHunterWith C.C. Hunter
HBRwSofieJordanWith Sofie Jordan.
HBRwRoseGarciaWith Rose Garcia. C.C. Hunter took our photo, look how awesome it came out! She’s also a photographer.
HBRwKATuckerWith K.A. Tucker and my friend Sofia who runs Northwest Houston Book Club.
HBRwJulieKennerWith Julie Kenner and Sofia.
HBRwJordanDeenWith Jordan Deen
HBRwDawnPendletonWith Dawn Pendleton and Sofia.
HBRwCoraCarmack(R to L) With Cora Carmack, Sofia, and Monica from M’s Sinful Reviews.


HBRwbloggerJudeMet a blogger who goes by J. Hooligan! She blogs at One More Chapter.
HBRwBCBurgessWith B.C. Burgess and Sofia
HBRpartyroom5With Kay Honeyman, Amalie Howard, Mary Ting, Sarah Guillory and Rebecca Ethington.
For more details keep up with TrinDee Events on:



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Posted November 4, 2013 by Julie S. in Author Appearances / 1 Comment


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