Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Bookish Things I Am Thankful For:
Rose’s List of Bookish Things She Is Thankful For:
- Kindle Paperwhite back light that does not hurt my eyes and lets me read in the dark YAY!
- My job = money = book buying power
- Good music that inspires authors to write amazing books!
- Co-blogger Julie! Yay!
- Enthusiastic book club members
- NaNo WriMo
- My own personal library in my house…my favorite room ever.
- High speed internet (for book blogging made easier)
- and being able to listen to at work and for their BOGO deals
- Talented narrators (i.e. Kate Rudd, Davina Porter)
Julie’s List of Bookish Things She Is Thankful For:
- My kindle. It is lightweight and has no glare and makes reading so comfortable and easy.
- Audiobooks. I might be an adult, but I do enjoy story time whenever I can. Usually, this is when driving. Sometimes, this is at work too.
- Ebook deals. I enjoy saving money buying an ebook (when publishers cooperate) rather than buying an expensive hardback version.
- Author events = so much awesome fun where you can fangirl all you want.
- Other bookworms and book clubs, because getting to share this fun
addictionhobby is awesomesause. - Rose, for starting the book club where we met, and for asking me to join her in book blogging.
- My future library in the new house I’ll be shopping for in the upcoming months. (Can you be thankful for an idea that doesn’t exist yet? I say yes.)
- Good book-to-movie adaptations.
- Book blogging tools – wordpress and all the awesome plugins.
- Beautiful book covers and spines that look lovely on my shelves.
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I don’t have a kindle, but I have an ipad mini with the kindle app. I appreciate all my e-book reading apps. It means that I always have a book at hand, always. If one of my mac devices dies, I can continue reading on another one.
Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books recently posted…Top Ten Things I Am Thankful For
YES my Paperwhite is my most prized possession. I already had a Fire, but everyone kept stealing it from me. It took me about a month to buy the Paperwhite, but now I use it every single day. I don’t know where I’d be without it, which seems really silly to people who just don’t get it!
Happy Thanksgiving ladies!
Here’s my TTT.
And if you have time, check out my giveaways! 200 Books Giveaway | Gratitude Giveaway Hop
Jess @ Such A Novel Idea recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday (24)
What awesome lists 🙂 I really really really also want a Kindle Paperwhite… *Christmas list*
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.
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