Clean Out Your E-Reader and Netgalley November Challenges (Nov 2013) Wrap Up Post

Posted November 30, 2013 by Julie S. in Challenges, Read-a-Thon / 4 Comments

Julie Review Avatar  Julie’s November Challenges:

I participated in the following challenges this month.

Challenge #1. Clean out your E-reader (COYER) Challenge hosted by Fantasy is More Fun and Because Reading is better than real life.

Clean out your E-reader Challenge Sign-up

My goal for this challenge was: 4 books (one per week) in the category of: Lightly Clean – 1 to 5 E-books

Challenge #2. Netgalley November hosted by A Day Dreamer’s Thoughts and co-hosted by K Books and Bookish Treasures.


My goal was: Easy: 1-4


So how did I do? Well, I read 5 to-review books, 4 of which were from Netgalley, and one was from Edelweiss. So, I met both challenges (and slightly even exceeded my goal for COYER). Here are the books I read and links to the reviews.



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Posted November 30, 2013 by Julie S. in Challenges, Read-a-Thon / 4 Comments


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