Every Thursday we are hosting a brand new meme called: That’s what HE said Thursday. For more info on what this meme is all about click here.
Rose’s Quote:
But wanting to protect you, loving you… You will always be my choice.
–Evan to Emma
(Barely Breathing by: Rebecca Donovan)
Okay, I know know, I have been sharing nothing by Evan quotes lately, but seriously… why have you not read this book! I love this trilogy. While it may not be as steamy as some prefer, it is real and raw and sweet and painful and just so much what real life is actually like. I suffer with Emma and Evan and I that makes the lovely parts so much more rewarding.
Julie’s Quote:
I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you.
–Wolf to Scarlet
(Scarlet by: Marissa Meyer)
I wasn’t really sure about Wolf and Scarlet for a while but Wolf turned out to be a pretty interesting character. I definitely enjoyed the scenes when his true feelings came out.
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I still haven’t read the Breathing series yet even though people keep recommending it to me! Hopefully next year!