Friday, December 27th – Top 10 Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2014 (books released in 2014)
Julie’s Top 10
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I also can’t wait for Cress! It is going to be awesome 🙂
Tournament: Most anticipated book of 2014? – Nominations
I need to read the Immortal rules! ahh!!
Johannah recently posted…Renovating for 2014
I need to read Scarlet so I can move forward with Cress. That series is so awesome!
Braine Talk Supe recently posted…Special Scene + Giveaway: Born In Blood by Alexandra Ivy
Ooo, Tease! Is that the second book in the Ivy Chronicles? I really enjoyed Foreplay. And I’ve recently read and reviewed Uninvited on my blog – it was pretty awesome! 😀
Check out my Top Ten post!
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2014
Yes that is the second Ivy Chronicles book, and how it is that everyone got an ARC of Uninvited but me? Lol I like this author 🙂