Book Beginnings Friday- January 17, 2014

Posted January 17, 2014 by Rose C. in Book Beginnings Friday, Memes / 0 Comments


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Rose review avatar  Silent Harmony by: Michele Scott


I don’t like being afraid.

And if I look at it logically, I really shouldn’t be this scared. Except that I am moving fifteen hundred miles away from my family, my friends, and my horses. And, reminder to self- it’s all for a chance to achieve every goal and dream I’ve ever had.


 So I had the wonderful privilege of meeting this author in Austin a coupl9781477817131_p0_v2_s260x420e of months ago and have just now gotten around to reading her book. I had not planned on reading this book, as I tend to be a bit of a snob when it comes to reading books about horses. Basically, I have read very few books that are written by actual horse people and it really distracts me when reading a book when the author clearly doesn’t no horses. Okay, but enough of that. This beginning has me very interested. I can relate very easily to this. I do not like being afraid and I, too know what it is like to move 1500 miles away from home to attend college and pursue your future away from your family.  I am excited to continue to read this book.

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Posted January 17, 2014 by Rose C. in Book Beginnings Friday, Memes / 0 Comments
