Guest Post from Cindy Saunders, author of Double Star

Posted January 21, 2014 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 1 Comment


Double Star by Cindy Saunders
(YA- Paranormal Fantasy- Available Now)
She fell into his world, unaware of the key she carried and the doors it opened; a world where darkness waited to be set free … The wait is over
 Do You Believe?
Get it today on Amazon!
When Cepheus, a dark god, forces seventeen-year-old Ally Ashworth off an isolated overlook, she has no idea she’s falling into his world, or that the necklace she’s wearing is actually a key – one with the power to ignite the next world war. But she’s carried beyond his reach and into the one place where he’s powerless … the forest of Gilgamesh.
Ally’s never been Miss Popularity, but her outsider status takes on new meaning when she’s rescued by Liam Cheveyo and his peculiar friends. After seeing them shape-shift into their freaky humanimal counterparts, Ally smacks hard into a few truths: magic really does exist and, although getting here took no effort, finding her way back might be impossible. Feelings between her and Liam begin to grow along with the realization that, in this world, she’s stronger, better … until she’s caught in a trap set by the creepy spider-boy Cepheus sends to retrieve her.  But Ally’s not going down without a fight, not after learning the horrible truth about the passageways.
The survival of both worlds depends on it.
Guest Post: Top Ten Actors to play my characters in the movie version of Double Star:
Meg –  Hayley Williams
of Paramore  
I came across a
picture of her while I was creating Meg’s character and loved her look.
Thea – Maggie Smith
She’s definitely been typecast
into the wise, sage role and I see no reason to change that!
Caleb – Jonathon Rhys Meyers
He has really great
eyes and can certainly look the bad boy part!


 Cepheus – Johnny Depp
Who else can look so sinister but, at the same time, so cute and
Ian – Corbin Bleu
With longer hair and green eyes, he’d make
the perfect Ian!
Oisin- Joe Jonas
I hate to admit this but when I saw Joe Jonas on the cover of Rolling
Stone a few years back, I knew he would make the perfect Oisin! He’s dark,
sultry and definitely a chick magnet! Oh, to be young again!
Shane- Clay  Matthews
He’d have to cut his
hair (Oh, no!), turn back the clock a few years but I think he’d make a perfect
Corm- Alex Pettyfer
He definitely has the
“Corm” look!
Liam – David Garrett
He’s always been my
Liam! As a matter of fact, I’m going to have bumper stickers made up that read
“Looking for Liam.”
Ally – A young Evan Rachel Wood.
She has an innocent
type of beauty that really personifies Ally.

About Cindy Saunders:

CINDY SAUNDERS was born in Lowell, MA. She moved to RI almost twenty-five years ago and now considers the Ocean State her home. She graduated from Bryant College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. When she’s not reading, writing, spending time with her two teenage children (how did that happen?) or working, Cindy tracks down one of her favorite local bands and enjoys a glass of wine. She completed her first novel, Double Star, a YA fantasy, in October 2012 and is currently working on the second book in the series.
Double Star is her first novel.



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Posted January 21, 2014 by Julie S. in Blog Tours / 1 Comment


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