Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things On My Reading Wish List – January 21, 2014

Posted January 21, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 12 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish


Top Ten Things On My Reading Wish List (If you could make authors write about these things you would. Could be a specific type of character, an issue tackled, a time period, a certain plot, etc.)


Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Ten:

  1.   Tortured heros. Can’t get enough of them. Reminds of that moment when author of the Outlander Series, Diana Gabaldon, answered a fan’s question, what part is she most excited to see actor Sam Heughan portray in the up coming cable series and she answered, “I can’t wait to see him get flogged and raped.” (paraphrasing) Ouch. Okay, maybe not THAT tortured. hehe
  2.   Forbidden love.
  3.   Realistic relationships full of fighting and heartache and remorse, and second chances and making up and hardwork blah blah blah…
  4.   Accurate historical fiction with more YA characters. I read historical fiction and the characters are usually in their early 20’s. How about a YA book set in the past?
  5.   Stand alone books. I hate giving up on series, but usually the 4th book of a series sucks and then I feel obligated to keep reading and that is time consuming and guilt ridden reading. No thanks.
  6.   More characters like Eleanor and Park… ones that do not fit the mold of what “society” considers the “in” or “beautiful” crowd.
  7.   More sequels and less companion novels. I like dual POV, but the companion books are kind of tiresome at this point. (although that will in no shape or way deter me from ravenously reading Luca’s story from Tammara Webber’s Easy.)
  8.   Less instalove, more relationship building
  9.   More love, less lust
  10. More believable dialogue.


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List: 

  1.    More standalone books. There are just so many series and sometimes you can’t just pick up a book because it is the middle of a series. So unless you have the time to read the previous books too, you might end up skipping that book/series all together.
  2.    More duologies. This might help with the second book syndrome. I guess companion books count in this as well, but I mean more the books that continue and complete the story.
  3.    Unique paranormal creatures. I think I’ve read enough vampire and werewolf for a while.
  4.    More cat shifters. I like them. Meow.
  5.    More mermaids. I have a few YA mermaid books on my to read, but mermaids are awesome and I want to read more.
  6.    YA without orphaned main characters. Or absent parents.
  7.    More dual POV. I actually like to have the story told from alternating perspectives.
  8.    More romances with a strong heroine who doesn’t need the love interest to save her. We are not all damsels in distress, so why are most of the romances written that way?
  9. Paranormal New Adult. Because Contemporary Romance isn’t my favorite genre.
  10. Geeky girl main characters. Because nerd girls rock.



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Posted January 21, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 12 Comments


12 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things On My Reading Wish List – January 21, 2014

  1. Paranormal New Adult: yes please. I like contemporary now and then, but it’s not usually my first choice. There needs to be way more variety in NA.

    I’m intrigued by the idea of mermaid YA! Can you recommend and specifics?

    I love series but only when a series is warranted. I’m tired of books that feel like they were stretched out for the purpose of getting three or five books out of a story. I’d rather read a great standalone than a great first book followed by less great subsequent books!

    • Julie

      Thanks Kim. Maybe between the two of us wishing we’ll get more Paranormal NAs out there 🙂

      Here are the YA mermaid books on my to-read:
      *Of Poseidon (Syrena series) by Anna Banks (I read book 1, it was pretty good)
      *Fins series by Tera Lynn Childs

      And then I found this search on Goodreads and realized that there are tons of YA mermaids, I just need to read them!

    • Julie

      YES! There are quite a few trilogies where the first book is excellent but the rest of the series is just meh.

  2. I am right there with you on more YA historical fiction. I also would love more books like Eleanor and Park. And if you want more books about mermaids, have you read TIDES, by Betsy Cornwell. It is a modern take on the selkie legends and one of my best reads of 2013.
    Alison Doherty recently posted…Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist