Lord of Thunder review

Posted February 10, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Reviews / 4 Comments

Lord of Thunder reviewLord of Thunder by Linda Mooney
Series: Thunder #1
Published by Xlibris Corporation on 2005-05-17
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Pages: 209
Format: eBook
Source: Provided by author for honest review

Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life together . . . as soon as he struck it rich in the promised silver mines. Abandoned for three long desperate and lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin. A stranger both mystical and fascinating. A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed. A stranger who was not of this earth.

Julie Review Avatar Julie’s Review:

My Creatures book club read Lord of Thunder for our January meeting, and had the author, Linda Mooney, attend in person! She’s local(ish) and we’ve had her attend a meeting in the past and had a really fun time. This time was no different. We had a blast chatting with her about this book and about all her others. She told us that she just published her 67th book! She publishes under two other names as well for some horror and some erotica books. I think it is amazing that she’s published so many books, and while most of them are fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal, they are all romances. So there really is something for everyone.

While I really loved the book we read the first time we met Linda (AEquana – about a mermaid girl!), I wasn’t as in love with Lord of Thunder. I did like it, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t as impressive to me. While the character of the winged man was clever and different – he isn’t an angel, but is from another world – the rest of the story really did read like a regular paranormal romance. I struggle with romances since they are really formulaic and predictable, and there were a few predictable elements in Lord of Thunder. I also felt like the romance between the characters wasn’t developed enough for my liking (another issue I struggle with in romance books) but Linda told us her editor had cut out about 10,000 words before this book went to publication, and a lot of that was back story and character growth. So, now that she has the rights back she plans to edit and get a new cover and re-release it herself. She’s basically getting all her books back as the contracts run out and is releasing them again self-published since she actually earns more money that way and of course has a lot more control. I did really like both the main characters and the neighbors, and thought that their personalities and characteristics were enjoyable. I loved that this book has a strong heroine, Annie, who manages to melt the heart of the warrior Rion. Annie’s husband is a despicable man and I’m happy to say he gets what is coming to him. I liked that this book can be read as a standalone, but there are two more books in the series that expand on the story arc and introduce new struggles. Overall, I give this book a solid I liked it rating.

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Posted February 10, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Reviews / 4 Comments


4 responses to “Lord of Thunder review

    • Julie

      Hi Kat, welcome 🙂 Happy to have you here. Actually I read the mermaid book before becoming a blogger so I don’t have a review up about it here. I do have it on Goodreads though.

  1. Kim

    Love the site!A blog to review books…which gives the blogger a really good excuse to read even more books! Sounds good to me! Just getting in my Sits comment love a little early!
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