Guest Post: S. B. Redstone, author of A Sinister Obsession

Posted February 12, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 1 Comment

 Today we have a special guest post from author S. B. Redstone. Please welcome him to Chapter Break.

Guest Post:  How do I choose the genres for my books?

by S. B. Redstone

First and foremost, I never choose a genre such as paranormal romance because that’s what selling. I choose a genre that I want to create a particular story within its parameters. My first novel, Succubus Resurrection, which is finally out to publishers, is a horror story. Horror allows me to create good and evil characters with fascinating personalities. I love to conjure up evil beings that thrive on their diabolical motives for power and revenge. Supernatural components allow me to stretch the boundaries of reality and bring a uniqueness to a story. I will never write about serial killers, mass murderers, or wearisome monsters as those stories bore me. Within a main genre, I love to add sub-genres, which spice up the story and enhance its uniqueness and mystery. 

My debut novel, A Sinister Obsession, published by Black Opal Books, developed from my desire to explore a social issue. As a school psychologist and clinical social worker in private practice, I feel strongly about social issues that impact people’s lives. Now I can’t tell you the issue or I would spoil the mystery. At first, I thought I would have horror as its genre, but I decided against it. I felt that genre would diminish the impact of the social issues and misdirect the attention from the characters and their heartfelt lives. It was published as a mystery thriller. To create further uniqueness for the story, its sub-genre became an essential element; detective Aubrey McKenzie has a paranormal ability that enables her to catch highly elusive criminals, but is a disaster to her social life.   

Although I love to write horror and mystery thrillers, I got hooked on the romantic sub-genres in my previous novels. Since I wasn’t the sort of writer who could think soap opera, the romances had to allow my imagination to run wild with just about no constraints. People will say write what you know. And what I know is life as a senior citizen, making me keenly aware of what I care about and what my peers care about, which is immortality, good health, and being happy. Once I made that decision to write a senior romance, my unconscious took control and a number of captivating stories came into consciousness. One caught and held my attention. Lance Forrester: astronaut, scientist, and dreamer. Stardust Dreams is about two elderly people who seek immortality and adventure in the wondrous universe. Science fiction and fantasy are its wonderful sub-genres. 

The novel I am working on now is a love story with fantasy as its sub-genre. It takes place in a retirement community. How would you or I feel, and how would our lives change, if we suddenly woke up and found ourselves appearing young, healthy, and vibrant with life? The story takes an honest look at the problems of senior citizens, grandparents, and marriages. It is quite funny, sad, and heartfelt. 

By now, you have probably noticed that the therapeutic part of my personality always dominates my view of the world. I love to examine world problems and social problems, and although I don’t solve them (I did just that in my psychology book on human nature and relationships, Taming Your Inner & Outer Bullies: Confronting Life’s Stressors And Winning), I want my readers to join the debate. To sum up, in all my work, my main characters have a second chance at life. Some thrive , some suffer, and a few inflict terrible suffering upon others. For certain, I will never be constrained by reality or genre and before this career ends, I will probably find a story in most every genre.



A Sinister Obsession by S. B. Redstone

Publication date: August 31st 2013

Publisher: Black Opal Books

Blurb: A psychopathic killer on a quest leaves behind a string of brutal murders, and to find the Who, the police must first discover the Why…

Detective Aubrey McKenzie has been assigned to investigate the murders. A lovely, fabulously wealthy, dark-haired Scot, whose iron will was forged in the inferno of human tragedy, Aubrey is stymied by the lack of solid clues. Now she must rely on her paranormal ability to apprehend the killer—an ability that has been invaluable in her police work but has made a disaster of her social life.

Fate teams Aubrey with Detective Joshua Diamond, a handsome, talented, and compassionate man who is more than happy eating a greasy bacon-cheeseburger and wearing clothes that should have been thrown out with the trash. In a race against time, Aubrey and Joshua must overcome their vast differences—and their attraction for each other—and discover the identity of this elusive killer, and the quest this fiend is on, before more lives are destroyed.


About the Author: S. B. Redstone

I began writing short stories in the sci/fi, thriller, horror, and humor genres, which were published on the web and print. Coming out on August 31, 2013 will be my premier novel, A SINISTER OBSESSION, published by Black Opal Books. It will be available in ebook and print formats. It is a mystery thriller with a fabulous paranormal female detective. Visit my website for more detailed information.

As a school psychologist and therapist, I (Steven B. Rosenstein, LCSW, MS) wrote a psychology book for the public concerning human nature and relationships, TAMING YOUR INNER & OUTER BULLIES: CONFRONTING LIFE’S STRESSORS AND WINNING. It was published by New Horizon Press Books. Visit: for more detailed information. 

I reside with my lovely wife in New York.

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Posted February 12, 2014 by Julie S. in Author Appearances, Blog Tours / 1 Comment


One response to “Guest Post: S. B. Redstone, author of A Sinister Obsession

  1. This is so interesting! I never really thought about what goes into conceptualizing a novel topic. Thanks for this glimpse into an author’s mind! Oh, and I think it’s good that you don’t delve into serial killer subject matter. Although I personally find it interesting, I think that if you dig too deep into the mind of a devil, you’ll start to think like one. :p
    Great piece! New friend visiting from SITs 🙂
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