Do you like when author’s list their musical muses? Do you listen to author’s playlists?
I first realized that authors sometimes had playlists for the books they had written when I visited Stephenie Meyer’s website a number of years back. She included an entire playlist of the songs she had listened to while writing. I thought this was the coolest thing ever. I listened to the songs, I read the rest of the books. I watched the movie again and again. The playlists gave me just one more thing to obsessed over and I really appreciated the author doing this. I love music. Music inspires like nothing else can. Sometimes just the right song can set the mood for a book. I often visit an author’s playlist if I have not read the book. If the playlist is really good, I assume that the book at least stands a decent chance of being good as well. That being said, I find that I often listen to music during or especially just before a sit down to some writing. Sometimes when I am writing I just feel what is going to happen next. I can’t exactly say it with words. The music helps me with this. It helps me to experience what it is that I feel is happening in a passage and then because I am feeling the emotions first hand, I know what I need to write.
A few months ago, I was browsing sound cloud and stumbled upon a song which you can give a listen to here and I really liked it. I liked the lyrics, I liked the voice, I especially liked the acoustic guitar. I could really connect to the song. So I favorited the song on sound cloud and added it to my live stream, and then I decided to send a little message to the song’s writer/singer. I wanted to tell him how much I liked his music and guess what? He wrote back! We then began emailing back and forth and one day he offered to write a song for me for practice. It could be able anything I wanted. Just give him a line or some ideas and he would write a song. I gave him an idea I had had in my head for a while about a guy who really wants to be with this chick, but she is with someone else so he can’t. To make matters worse, the guy this girl is dating is a decent guy and has a lot going for him. So our hero cant even nobly fight for her interest and steal her away. We’ve all been there at one time or another. Where all we can do is watch and wait for it to fall apart so we can pick up the pieces of another’s broken heart. The was the exact line I gave him. This is what he came up with:
So who is Isaac Turner? You can check him out at his website here. He is a singer/song writer from Albany, Oregon. He is currently playing shows in and around the Portland area. In fact, Julie and I visiting Portland Oregon for the release party of Colleen Hoover’s new novel, Maybe Someday. Griffin Peterson will also be there in concert performing the songs he wrote for the book. Supposedly, if you buy the kindle version of this book the text will include clickable links to the songs that correspond to the passage you are reading. Pretty amazing if you ask me. So while we are in Portland, we will get the opportunity to hear Isaac perform live. I am super excited to me this talented musician and “stoked” (as some would say) to get to hear him play/sing. Isaac Turner has released his first EP and is currently working on a full length album. He has been fun to get to know and chat with online. When Julie and I were choosing topics for our Chat Between Chapters posts and author’s playlists came up, I immediately thought of Isaac. He is was gracious enough to let Chapter Break interview him about what he thought of author’s playlists and music inspiring writing. We even asked him what he thought of book boyfriends:
To help Isaac Turner celebrate the release of his first EP, Chapter Break is hosting a giveaway! Enter to win a free copy of Isaac Turner’s new EP, featuring 5 original song titles written, performed and recorded by Isaac Turner. And because Isaac is such a cool guy, he is also offering up a free ITEP t-shirt to the winner. (Sorry, no international for shipping reasons.) Enter to win using the Rafflecopter below. and OH! Don’t forget to check out the video of Isaac Turner performing for the first time ever, the song he wrote for one of my book ideas, Pieces.
You can also buy Isaac Turner’s EP at the following locations: iTunes | Amazon | CD Baby. You can visit his website here:
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I love listening to author’s play lists. I actually always ask about theme songs for books when doing author interviews.
Jennifer Bielman recently posted…Review: Unhinged by A.G. Howard
I think that is a really cool interview question to include!
I almost always forget about listening to an author’s playlists… and I’m a huge music buff! Particularly with film scores. I put it on shuffle with today’s hits and k-pop (korean pop) on pandora. 😀
Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ 46
sometimes I think we almost have information overload and we can never keep up with everything. I love listening to an author’s playlist, but it is hard to listen to every single list and every single song.
I really enjoyed his song From the Outside In and it is available for purchase as a single from iTunes for only $0.99 He has other songs available on iTunes too but mostly from his It album.
From the Outside In was the first song that I ever heard from Isaac on soundcloud. It is still one of my favorites.
I have never heard of author’s playlists or even thought to look for them. You’ve opened my world a bit tonight. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Looking forward to seeing you again this week!
Tina at Mommynificent recently posted…Grandparents, Google+, and Booknificent Thursday Link Up Party #36
Glad to expand you world Tina. Thanks for stopping by! I am surprised by how many people did not know that authors often use music as inspiration.
Okay, how cool is this?! Love it! And the song is gorgeous.
I knew about the Twilight series soundtracks but I never listened to a playlist…I’ll definitely start paying more attention now that I know they are out there.
Thanks for linking up to Wordy Wednesday! Off to enter this fun giveaway!
Carrie recently posted…Weight Watchers Update: Week 3
Thanks for stopping by Carrie! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
I have heard about author’s playlists but never actually taken the time to listen to any of the music. I really should. I love music sooo much so sometimes I am always thinking of my own songs that go along with books. I really should give it a shot!
Angie @Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Is your blog a secret????
Do you include the song you think goes with the book in your reviews? That would be really cool!
I found out books had playlists when I visited the Tigers Curse page. There is a a song for every chapter! So cool!
Ooh I haven’t read Tiger’s Curse yet, but that is cool that there’s a song for every chapter.
Wow~ That is really neat.
Thanks Kim! Thanks for stopping by. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway. Today is the final day!
I never knew authors had playlists like that. How cool is it that you connected with a song so well that the artist offered to work with you.
I know, right? Rose can just make awesome friends with people so easily. Go Rose!
ahhh thanks! You know, the other people have something to do with that as well… here is to awesome people! YAY!
How unique. I never really thought about looking into what the author listens to while they write but I bet it does put the story in a different perspective. Thanks for sharing with my Small Victories Sunday linky. Pinning and sharing your post! Hope you will link up 3 more posts next week!
Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories recently posted…Small Victories Sunday Linky {9} – The One Where We Partied Like Superheroes
So I like to know an author’s playlist- sometimes it kind of makes me “know” or “see” more about the book if I have an idea of the music that inspires them. But, I rarely listen to the playlist. I just like to know 🙂
Tamara recently posted…Where In The World Is Traveling With T Today?
Ooh now that’s cool. Just knowing what songs they listen to can help get an idea of what mood their writing is in. So having to listen isn’t required.
I had no idea there were playlists of what they listened to. That’s so cool! I’m excited to hear Colleen Hoover has another book coming out. I read/reviewed Hopeless last summer and loved it!
Sarah @ Play 2 Learn with Sarah recently posted…Hawaiian Falls Comes to Pflugerville {Giveaway}
So are you going to notice playlists now that you know about them? Hope you get a chance to read Colleen Hoover’s newest soon. Hope I do as well heh.
Oh wow that is so very cool! The internet has brought us so close together in many ways and further apart in other ways ~ this is certainly one of those great moments! And I have downloaded a playlist ~ Jennifer Donnelly’s playlist for Revolution ~ excellent! So is the audiobook!
Stacy (The Novel Life) recently posted…Ask the Bloggers: Amazon, Indies or Big Box Bookstore?
I don’t think I’m familiar with that book but I’ll have to look it up and also the playlist. Yes, isn’t it amazing what cool connections can be made online? 🙂
I didn’t realize she even had a new book out. I love her books. Thanks for sharing!
I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an author’s playlist either, though the idea definitely interests me. I know that Stephen King is a big time music lover so I’d like to dig up some of his playlists. It’s a fantastic idea!
Thanks for linking up with Spread the Love!
April @ The Steadfast Reader recently posted…Spread the Love Linky Party 2.0: Week Four
Ooh I bet Stephen King has some creepy playlists too.
I watched his interview and the song video. He has a very easy to listen to style. It’s too bad someone was talking while he was being videoed, they were missing some good music.
Neva @ Retire for the Fun of it recently posted…A Winter So Cold To Make Niagara Falls and Hell Freeze
Yea Neva I thought the same thing. Stop talking and listen to the performer! But some people are a bit rude. I hope he has better luck next time he performs that song 🙂
Hey thanx for liking my style. Sometimes people talk while I play and sometimes they don’t. Just the way it goes. I have to admit it is nice when its quiet and people actually listen to what I am saying 🙂 – IT
Well, when Julie and I come see you perform next week, I promise to listen. I cant speak for Julie. She will prolly talk right over you, but what can you do, really ya know?? hahah jk.
I actually don’t think I’ve listened to an author’s playlist. I haven’t really been listening to music all that much since I got my subscriptions to audio book services. I do think it is cool when authors include a playlist in a guest post or even their own blogs because most people do connect with others over music. I just might be an exception at the moment. I know I used to be more into music, but somehow lost my way haha.
I wanted to post my thoughts in a comment rather than the main post so as not to take away the focus on the awesome guest we have and the giveaway 🙂
Julie S. recently posted…Chat Between Chapters: Do You Listen to Author’s Playlists?