Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List – March 18, 2014

Posted March 18, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 10 Comments



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Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List


Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List: 

So here are the books I’m really looking forward to reading in the short term (aka, Spring). On a side note, I really can’t wait for spring. So tired of it being cold and dreary. Seriously.


  1.    Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover – Because OMG Rose and I are going to Portland this weekend for the release party. Squeeeeee! No really. SQUEEEEEE!  I’m excited to go visit Portland for the first time (even if it is supposed to be cold and wet) and this is the biggest bookish trip I’ve ever taken.
  2.    TheForeverSongcovThe Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3) by Julie  Kagawa – Because the last book ended like OMG and I have to know what happens next. The early reviews already mention a lot of tears being shed so I’m nervous to read it, but really want to.
  3.    RTB tileReason to Breathe(Breathing, #1) by Rebecca Donovan (and #2, and #3) – Because Rose is making me. No really, this series was chosen as our YA book club’s next series read. Probably because Rose is always saying how much she loves the series. No pressure for me to like it huh? lol
  4.    Final Stand (The Transhuman Chronicles, #2) by Rose Garcia – I already reviewed book 1 earlier, and now I’m on the book tour for this book. And I’m loving the new covers. FinalStandTranshumancov
  5.    TheWolfGiftThe Wolf Gift (The Wolf Gift Chronicles, #1) by Anne Rice – Because I’ve been hearing great things about this book and I’m glad my creatures book club picked it as our next read.



Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List:


untitled (6)1. Breakable by: Tammara Webber Lucas Maxfield is one of my all time favorite book boyfriends and I am very excited about getting a chance to read his book. It seems lately that it is the thing to do, writing a companion book from the male main character’s POV. I’ve read some of these and while some turned out okay, others failed dismally. There are a select few authors out there that I would buy anything they write without ever knowing what it is they are writing about. Tammara Webber is one of them. I have no doubts that this book will be so much more than just a “companion” book. If she can get me to absolutely hate one character (Reid in Between the Lines) for the duration of two books and then make me absolutely swoon for him by the third book (Good for You) then I have no doubt that Breakable will make me love Lucas that much more!

MOBY2. Written In My Own Heart’s Blood by: Diana Gabaldon. Okay, I put off finishing this series for as long as I possibly could. With the original release date set for March, I decided to finally read the last book published to date in the Outlander Series, but then the release date got pushed back to June and so now here I sit, anxiously awaiting Herself to hurry up and publish MOBY already! So while yes, spring will mostly pass before I get to lay hands to this book, I will read it soon! I want to read it NOW!

MaybeSomedaycov3.Maybe Someday by: Colleen Hoover. I just got this sent to my audible library and so of course I downloaded it and am all set to begin listening tomorrow at work. YAY! Also, can’t wait to attend to release party this week in Portland, Oregon with co-blogger, Julie! I can’t wait to here the music that goes along with this book.


9780062293237_p0_v2_s260x4204. Foreplay by: Sophie Jordan. Okay, so several people have recommended this book to me, and I really would like to read it. I just finished another book by Sophie Jordan, Uninvited, and really like the author’s style, so I am excited to move this up on my TBR list for this spring.

untitled (9) untitled (10)

5. Angelfall by: Susan Ee or Under the Never Sky by: Veronica Rossi. okay, so this is where I need help. If I had to chose only one of these two books to begin reading right away, which one would YOU chose? I have heard a lot of great things about both books. I can’t decide which one I want to read more, so I put both of them on the list. They are tied.


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Posted March 18, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 10 Comments


10 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List – March 18, 2014

  1. How fun to get to go to Portlandia, er, um, I mean Portland. 🙂 I hear it is beautiful; I’d love to go someday. My daughter was looking over my shoulder at your site and was going through the stack of books you have pictured saying “read it, read it, read it…” and occasionally “Ooh, want to read it.” 😉
    Pary Moppins recently posted…Madly in Love

    • Julie

      YES! Yes that Portland. And yes we do plan to go to Powell’s and I’m sooooo excited!!

  2. Great picks! I really want to read some of these myself, especially Breakable. I can’t believe you get to go to the Maybe Someday launch party, I am totally jealous. That book was amazing and the music is sensational. I pick UNDER THE NEVER SKY, that whole series was INCREDIBLE! I hope you find the time to get to them all 🙂 My TTT.
    Reviews From A Bookworm recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR List