Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List – March 25, 2014

Posted March 25, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 8 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme run by The Broke and the Bookish


Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List


Rose review avatar   Rose’s List of Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List:

  1.   Read all of Jane Austen’s books because I have yet to do this.
  2.   Meet Diana Gabaldon and get a book signed by her. (which I am doing in June or July so YAY ME!)
  3.   Outlander tour of Scotland. I just recently discovered that they have a horseback riding tour of Jamie and Claire’s Scotland. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE!???
  4.   Write my own book….that shit’s hard.
  5.   Making it into a book’s acknowledgement section would be pretty cool, too.



Julie Review Avatar   Julie’s List of Top Things On My Bookish Bucket List: 

  1.  Attend BEA (as in, Book Expo America). And I don’t mean ArmchairBEA, even though that is really cool and we do participate in that. It sounds so awesome and you get to meet so many awesome bookish people and authors and publishers and agents and rub elbows with the cool people.
  2.  Visit Hogwarts. You know, the one outside of London. And also visit London. A blog I follow, Rinn Reads, has this awesome post full of photos of her recent visit, and it looks like a blast!
  3.  Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL (more likely to happen sometime soon).
  4.  Go on an Outlander tour of Scotland. Because, um, HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE???
  5.  Make it into a book’s acknowledgements section. You know, like all the cool bloggers that made it into the Allegiant list. Um, how awesome would that be? That just proves that you are a legit blogger.



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Posted March 25, 2014 by Rose C. in Memes, Top Ten Tuesdays / 8 Comments


8 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List – March 25, 2014

  1. Yes to all HP related items on the lists! Plus BEA, I really want to visit it as well, but it’s still a far off dream for me at the moment. 🙂
    Happy reading and I hope these come true soon!

  2. Rose – I’d love to write my own book, too, but I have to agree with you – it seems hard!!!

    Julie – The Wizarding World of HP is amazing!!! They’re actually adding more to it this summer, so if you end up waiting until then, apparently there will be things in both Universal Parks (instead of just the one where the main Wizarding World is located). Can you tell I live a hour from Orlando? I’m in the know! 😀

    I love how this is a Top 10 Tuesday! You may also want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List, too!

    • Julie

      Thanks, I linked up with your linky as well 🙂
      Ooh I didn’t know they were expanding it. Yes, I will definitely need to save up for a trip like this anyway, so hopefully by the time I get around to going, it will be even more awesome 🙂

  3. Oh gosh, I can think of waaay more than ten things for a Bookish Bucket list! What a challenge to narrow them down =o

    Like Rose, I’d love to make it into a book’s acknowledgements or review section, maybe one of my reviews quoted somewhere. So far my biggest achievement similar to that is being quoted on an official ‘product description’ on Amazon for The Gospel of Loki.

    Julie, I also want to go to BEA so badly! But as I’m on the other side of the Atlantic, it would take a lot of saving for me =/ Thanks for linking up! =D
    Rinn recently posted…Thoughts: Judging A Book By Its Cover

    • Julie

      Ooh that is so cool that you got mentioned in a book, even if a friend’s book! Actually a girl from one of the book clubs I’m in mentioned the club in her book she self published since many of us beta read for her. That was neat.